Thursday 26 May 2016

The Duchess Wore What??

  Yesterday social media had a field day with the fact that Kate Middleton wore the same dress twice. Once at her sons baptism in 2013 and again at the Queen's Garden Party Tuesday. Imagine that! This is news why?

  Does anyone, whose last name isn't Kardashian, ever wear an outfit just once? Of course not. Even a wedding dress is sometimes worn again....hopefully not for a second wedding to a different partner.

  I would think that the British public would be happy that she is "just like us". That she found an outfit she loved and wore it again. And maybe she will again. Haven't we all found that outfit that makes us look and feel like a million bucks and noticed we are wearing it in way too many pictures? Guilty.

  I'm curious.....did anyone check and see if her hubby was wearing a tie he had worn before? Or shoes? Socks? I'd bet my life savings that answer is no. Why? Because men are not held to the same ridiculous standards as women. It's sad but true.

  Maybe it was a slow news day. Let's hope so. I'd hate to think with all the real news events happening that we could be distracted by a simple case of a young woman wearing a pretty dress twice in her lifetime.

  But we were.



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