Saturday, 21 May 2016


  If you live in Canada you've heard more than enough the past few days about "elbow-gate".  For those of you in other countries, or you've been under a rock here in Canada, here's the scoop in a nutshell.
  There was a vote in the House of Commons and a Conservative MP was trying to get to his place to vote. He was surrounded, in harassment, in conversation, who knows, by NDP MP's. The vote was being delayed so the PM, prime minister, had enough. He strode over to assist the MP get back to his seat. In the process he elbowed a female MP in the chest. End of story. Not really.

  See in politics nothing is ever black and white. Ever. And this was no exception. Immediately the NDP made wild accusations. It was the video it obviously was not. This was abuse.....any time you are in a crowd you get jostled and hit. Then it became a female issue.....this was obviously wrong place wrong time.


  The PM got angry. He went to help. Was he angry? Yes. Did he conduct himself as we hope the Prime Minister of Canada should in Parliament? No. He apologized. Nothing more needs to be said. Lesson learned. Move on. Between the press and social media they blew this totally out of proportion.

   However......when anyone takes something as serious as abuse and trivializes it to this I get angry. People deal with real physical violence every single day. They deal with the inflicted wounds for ever. An accidental elbow is just that. An accident.

  To all MP's, including PM Trudeau, conduct yourselves in the manner we expect of our government. Oh did.



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