Thursday 5 May 2016

Put Politics Aside

  I just finished writing an entry on how proud we should be as Canadians for opening our hearts and homes to the displaced evacuees from Fort McMurray. How we should hold our heads up high. Secure in the knowledge that we live in the greatest country in the world. And I meant every word. However.....

  Some people are using this as a political statement. How both the provincial and federal governments aren't doing everything necessary. In a time when, as a country, we need to stand together you are trying to divide us? Shame on you.

  Do you honestly think Justin Trudeau is sitting in his office thinking.....hmmm I'll get to this next week, I have a hair appointment. Oh just let them figure it. Do you honestly think that?

  Maybe Rachel Notley is thinking over her morning coffee that perhaps they should just let the fire burn and the people take care of themselves?  Of course not. And you making this tragedy a political issue is giving us a look at your character not the leaders.

  No matter how this is handled, no matter which political party is in power, there will be things that could have been done better. When all is said and done, reports will be issued, new policies will be put in place and lessons will be learned. It's not politics. It's experience.

  The people who have been evacuated. Firefighters. Police. Medical staff. First responders.  They ARE the focus. Helping them rebuild their homes and lives. That will become our focus in the days, weeks and months to come.

  Don't you dare try to over shadow that.


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