Thursday 5 May 2016

Proud Canadians

  If you live in Canada you know the story of Fort McMurray and the horrific, out-of-control forest fire. The entire town, about 90 thousand people, have been evacuated. Entire neighborhoods have burned to the ground. As I write this there have been no deaths or injuries....a true testament to the police, firefighters and first responders. I should add they have evacuated an entire hospital and delivered two babies in the process. Quite a feat.

  Canadians are doing what we do best. Helping. As a country we open our hearts, wallets and in this case, our homes. No matter how small a role we can play, we do.

  One thing that is especially Canadian is letting people into our homes. People with spare rooms are opening their doors to total strangers. Need a spot to park your RV? Farmers, ranchers and land owners are opening their gates and letting you park. And it goes without saying those spots are free.

  There are Facebook pages and Twitter hashtags to help those stranded or in need of help. Community centers and school gymnasiums are converting to sleeping quarters. Hotels are housing people for place even includes breakfast and a light dinner!

  In our true giving manner we step up. Every time. Something to be very proud of. 


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