Wednesday 4 May 2016


  We all know things about our friends that we would never tell. Affairs, money problems or wayward spouses. Maybe even a late night bail call. Nothing and no one could make us break that confidence. It's the ultimate betrayal in a solid friendship. We judge ourselves, and them, based on how well they/we keep those secrets.

  But what if you know things about someone you don't like? Things that could ruin relationships, careers or marriages. It's harder, I think, to keep those secrets. 

  When a friendship runs it's course, as some do, there are lots of secrets left behind. How we handle those is a measure of our character. Imagine if that person was famous? I can't even begin to fathom what secrets I would have to keep quiet if I knew say Colin Farrell or Madonna!

  It's important to be a good friend but equally important to be a fair ex-friend. Confidences run both ways. Remember that. helped hide those skeletons.



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