Friday, 20 May 2016

ER Blues

   Sunday was another challenge in my house. Now that the crutches are officially gone we thought things could, and would, get back to normal. After careful deliberation Alex decided that yes he was ready to go back to volleyball. Boy was he wrong.

   Alex had made plans with a friend after practice. He has started playing Dungeons and Dragons and wanted to buy a book on it. But when he walked to the car I knew we wouldn't be shopping. His eyes said it all.

   His finger was swollen. The arm in severe pain. Too soon I said. Too soon. Then the bombshell....his entire hand was numb and chalk white. So was his face but that was pain related. Off to the ER we went.

    One thing about the emergency room at the childrens hospital is everyone is equal. No special treatment. Who ever is in the worst condition goes first. The rest wait. Hopefully not too long. We unfortunately fell under the worse category. But it meant we didn't wait too long.

    Two X-rays and three consultations with various doctors later,  we got the all clear. Strained muscles. Aggravated nerves. No physical activities for at least two weeks. Tylenol as needed. And a the doctor could see his pretty blue eyes.

    We all complain about healthcare. Not enough doctors. Too long wait times. Costs are out of control. Care not what it used to be.

    But never's better than most.


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