Saturday 7 May 2016

Happy Birthday Alex!!!

  Today is Alex's birthday. 13. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? Where did that cute little baby disappear to? And when was he replaced by the 5'9, long haired young man?

  Time goes by quickly and we never truly realize just how fast til we look at our kids. I can remember clearly Alex coming home from the hospital. How terrified we were that we had to keep him alive. His first day of kindergarten with Mme. Claudette. He was so small getting on that bus.

  He is no longer that little boy. Alex has a confidence and strength that is growing daily. Each new experience shows in how he thinks and expresses himself. You can see the man he is becoming....and it's a pretty amazing picture!

  Happy birthday Alex. We are beyond proud of you. Even though you drive us crazy, don't listen and fight constantly with your brother....we wouldn't change you for the world. 

  Except maybe to make you less messy ;)

  Love Mom


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