Sunday 29 May 2016

And the Academy Award goes to.......

  Nothing makes me prouder as a parent than seeing my child work hard to achieve something. Yesterday we watched Riley make his stage debut after six months of rehearsals and dance routine practices. He was great!

  Now this wasn't Broadway or London's West End. Just a little show in a little theater in little ole Ottawa. But to him being on that stage was exactly the same experience. He was nervous and excited and thrilled. He sang his heart out. Danced like no one was watching. And spoke clear, crisp and loud.

  Riley has always loved performing. We spent many hours watching him be Roony Doodle, playing guitar and singing. Just Dance is almost worn out from over use....that damn hamster dance song is stuck in my head now. 

  Performing gives confidence to children. They practice speech, projection and clarity. Riley can talk to anyone....and does. Perhaps too much. Without hesitation or fear. His confidence is apparent most of the time.

  Hard work has it's own successes and Riley learnt that yesterday. He heard the applause and cheers. And I think he wants it again. 

  Congratulations Riley on a job very well done. Your Dad and I are so proud of you! We couldn't love you any more.

  Mom (Ang)



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