Tuesday 17 May 2016

Book Reports

  I used to be an avid reader. It was nothing for me to read two or three books a week. There was always one on the night stand and normally one in the family room with a corner turned down to mark my page. Those days are long gone. Kids take up every ounce of free time. Them and Netflix.

  If you have read some of my earlier entries you know Alex had been assigned eight book reports for one class this year. All different authors, genres and lengths. He has never been a reader so this was a huge challenge. Huge.

  Over the past eight months I have said the phrases "read" and "work on your book report" more times than I have said anything else. That includes I love you, good morning and Merry Christmas. Maybe even those three combined.

  They have ruled our holidays, vacations and weekends. Plans have changed and been rescheduled. All for the mighty book report. But that is over. The final report is finished.

  100% done. Corrected and edited. Typed to perfection. Spaced properly. At the requested font and size. The correct number of sentences. Word count within the required numbers. Every detail scrutinized.

  Alex has now read some classics....Frankenstein, Lord of the Flies and The Outsiders. And a few that will become classics....Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. He has assessed their plots, characters and meanings. Will he retain it all? Or any of it? Who knows. They are finished.

  And right now I don't care.


***** and yes I consider The Outsiders a classic***** 

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