Sunday, 31 January 2016
Shhh I'm Listening
As parents we are all aware that times can get tough. Really tough. Most of us associate those hard times with puberty. We are all wrong. I have learned the hardest part of parenting this week. They don't listen. They hear you but they don't listen. And there is nothing we can do about it.
This past week has been a real eye opener for me. I decided to do an experiment with Alex. He had taken something home and put it in the living room on Friday. As in Friday 10 days days ago. Every day I reminded him it was there. Then asked him to put it away. Another gentle reminder it was there. Then a yell or two about said item in the room.
Nothing. For ten days. Nothing. Every day a lesson in futility when it came to the bag. Gentle reminders became pick up the damn bag. To his credit, when I reminded/yelled he did head into the living room. Sometimes he played the piano. Others he flopped on the couch and ate. But the bag never moved.
Today, after a night with little sleep thanks to a newly returned CPAP machine, I was done experimenting. I wanted the bag gone. I just couldn't handle it any more. When my voice got to an unnaturally high level and I had his full attention, he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his and said "Sorry Mom I forgot".
He had heard me every time. I know he did. I guess the brain of a 12 year old doesn't, or can't, register everything. They hear what they want to hear. I better except it or it's going to be a long ten years....I'm adding Riley into the mix as well for counting purposes.
Maybe I should get some blood pressure meds while I'm at it.
Saturday, 30 January 2016
What's Under The Bed?
Today we went mattress shopping. It's been a long time. Too long according to Alex, who is the recipient of the new bed. Every store has sales on. You can spend a small fortune if you want. Trying to stay somewhere in the middle seemed prudent.
Alex's mattress has been around for a long time. I think we bought it in (gulp) the 1990's. It was always in the "spare" bedroom so it didn't get much use til he started with it nine years ago. But if my memory is right it was pretty cheap even then. I think we needed to fill the room before the "for sale" sign went up.
When we walk into the store Alex heads immediately to the most expensive mattress in the store, calmly lays down and says this is the one. Unless he gets a waterbed. Apparently he never got the memo.
It takes no time to find one he likes with a price tag I'm comfortable with. John is making him a new bed so we are keeping the old box spring til it's done. Between you and me I'm not sure that is the smartest of ideas. I'm pretty sure it would be made faster if the mattress was on the floor. But I'm crossing all fingers and toes that he proves me wrong.
Delivery is on Tuesday. That gives Alex two full days to rearrange things in his room. Makes some changes if he wants to. Plenty of time. Maybe. Probably not.
I wonder what we will find living under the bed?
Friday, 29 January 2016
I Want To Ride My Bicycle
Ahhhh Ottawa. The nation's capital. One of, if not the, prettiest cities in Canada. Home of Parliament, the Supreme Court of Canada and the Senators....both the hockey players and the ones who do next to nothing. Beautiful parks, museums and the longest outdoor skating rink in the world. I love it.
We are a city that gets winter. And lots of it. Right now it's snowing out. It snowed most of the day yesterday. The sidewalks and side roads are not cleared. They are drive-able and walk-able if you are careful.
So why do I see so many people on bicycles this morning? Zigzagging through ruts of slushy snow with no control. Going either too fast or too slow. Some out of control and just trying to stay upright. Acting neither like car or pedestrian.
Before you give me grief about being "green"...we are not downtown. This is the suburbs. There is snow on the side streets. No plow is coming through my street and clearing it to the pavement. That will happen when it warms up in a few months.
Two people I saw this morning didn't drive their bikes all fall. They drove cars to work everyday. It's almost as if they are trying to prove a point in the winter. Waiting for someone to say something and have a confrontation. The bigger the storm, the farther they pedal.
Keep your bikes in the garage. Or if you really feel the need to pedal, carry it to the bus stop and ride it where the streets are clear...downtown. For everyone's safety.
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
Before Riley was born, Alex would talk to my "bump" for hours. He would tell Riley stories and sing him songs. Mostly he would tell him how much he loved him and couldn't wait to meet him and play. It was very sweet. Brotherly love.
When Riley was born, Alex was beyond excited. He would shake a rattle and show him his toys. Entertain him. He was always kissing him and wanting to hold him. It was very sweet. Brotherly love.
As Riley gets older, Alex can't stand to be in the same room as his brother. Every move Riley makes, every peep that comes out of his mouth, irritates the crap out of him. It's not very sweet. There is no brotherly love.
I'm hoping this will change. It would make my life so much easier. Maybe I could actually go to the bathroom without one of them yelling at me through the door. Complaining about whatever it was the other did.
John tells me he fought with his brothers all the time. And now, as adults, they get along very well. Mind you they all live in various parts of the country so who knows what it would be like if they lived next door to each other.
Only time will tell I guess. Maybe they will become the best of friends and their kids will grow up playing together. Maybe they will hang out and watch movies. Maybe they will celebrate holidays and be each others "best man".
Maybe, fingers crossed, I'll live long enough to see it.
Let's Talk Canda
Today is Bell's Let's Talk day in Canada. A day where we attempt to take the stigma off of mental health issues. It's a great initiative. One that is easy to support. We all know someone, or are someone, who suffers from it.
Less than two weeks ago I wrote about this subject. We've lost family members to the disease. And yet even some among us still talk about it in whispers, with eyes down cast. As if we should be ashamed or embarrassed. For the record....we are NOT ashamed or embarrassed.
Mental illness is just that. An illness. Anyone can get it. People can live with it. People can be cured of it. There are therapies to help. Medications. Support groups for not only the person with the disease but their families and friends too.
People suffer in silence. People cry in silence. People die in silence.
Talk. To someone. Anyone. Parent. Sibling. Spouse. Neighbor. Teacher. Doctor. Nurse. Police Officer. Minister. Priest. Friend. Stranger. Talk.
Please talk. Can't find someone? Talk to me.
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Short but Sweet
There's nothing quite like being sick to give new appreciation for modern technology. Lying in bed with aches, pains and fever is almost bearable when you can watch Downton Abbey or The Avengers in between naps...thank you Netflix.
You guessed it, I've spent the last two days in bed trying to get warm. Today is better but I'm still not 100%. Alex has been home from school as well so I've had company. Not that we were ever in the same room. He listened to pod casts and watched you tube videos. I re-watched all three seasons of Sherlock. Together but separate.
I'm sure it's not the flu. Probably not even a cold. Just something. A 48 hour bug of some sort. Tomorrow will be better.
As will tomorrow's blog entry!
Sunday, 24 January 2016
This is my 100th blog entry!! I can't believe it. Again John was right I do have a lot of things to say. And I plan to keep on saying them. Fingers crossed you will keep on reading them.
I've been seeing a lot written about the lack of diversity at the Oscars. Especially this year. Now apparently the Academy wants to change the rules some how to be more diverse. Perhaps the issue isn't that the nominations aren't diverse enough but that movies aren't. Does Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper need to star in every movie?
When Denzel Washington received his Best Actor award he was only the second African American to win the prize. Of course the fabulous Sidney Poitier was the first, 47 years before. He had been overlooked before and his body of work definitely deserved to be awarded. I love Denzel but Training Day? Definitely not his best movie. Malcolm X for sure. Or The Hurricane absolutely. But Training Day? Really?
That same year Halle Berry won Best Actress for her role in Monster's Ball. She was the first African American woman to do so. Considering the Oscars began in 1929 that's quite a dry spell. It's hard to believe not one actress of color before her deserved the award. Had they never seen What's Love Got To Do With It? Or The Color Purple? Seriously.
One thing I am interested in is this call to boycott the show, started by Jada Pinkett Smith. Who will show up? Will it affect the careers of the people who don't show? Or will it finally get the industry to open their minds and eyes. I heard someone on a talk show say that she seemed to be reacting to the news that her husband, Will Smith, wasn't nominated. Maybe. Who knows.
For sure the host of the awards will not let this topic go untouched. Chris Rock is by far one of the funniest people on the planet. And one of the smartest comedians you will ever listen to. He can take a "hot topic" and make it funny while showing you how wrong you are about it. That's a talent. I rarely watch but I will see the opening monologue for sure.
As someone who isn't the biggest movie watcher.....I tend to fall asleep in the theater...this will still be an interesting year at the Oscars. This is one awards show where people tend to push their politics and issues anyway.
This year they actually have an issue worth talking about....that doesn't involve the clothes.
**for the record...I love Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Copper**
Saturday, 23 January 2016
A Sad Day in Canada
Yesterday a young man walked into a school in a small Saskatchewan town and killed two people. This after killing two teenagers in their home. It's very sad. It's very scary. And it's very rare in Canada. Yet it hasn't blown up Canadian social media like other incidents have. Similar mass shootings, that happened in other countries, have gotten more social media play than this. Why?
I don't want to jump to conclusions. Really I don't. But my mind keeps coming back to the it because these victims are native? Please, please let me be wrong.
Canada has a shameful history in the treatment of our indigenous people. Shameful. There is an out right bigotry that some Canadians do not even attempt to hide. Look around cities with a high native population. How many natives do you see in the workforce? Very few. Not because "they are all lazy" or "they are always drunk". Because no one will hire them. Don't believe me? Go to Winnipeg.
A report in 2014 stated that between 1980 and 2012 there were nearly one thousand two hundred reported cases of missing and murdered aboriginal women. Read that again. 1200 women. No inquiry. No warnings. No yelling and screaming from women across the country. At least not enough of one to make people stand up and take notice. Why? Do these women not matter?
Last week two teenagers went missing here. Within minutes my social media was flooded with their photos and info. These posts were shared and shared and shared. Four people were murdered and I have seen one post, just one, on social media.
All life is important. All lives. No matter the color of skin.
I really hope I'm jumping to the wrong conclusion.
*** for the record I love the fact that social media can play a role in helping to find missing people...please don't misinterpret that statement about the missing teenagers from last week***
*** the phrases in "quotation marks" are generalities I have heard many times over the years aimed at indigenous most generalities they are not true and I correct everyone who has ever spoken those words to me***
***FYI Winnipeg has it's first aboriginal mayor in Brian Bowman. Congrats Mr. Mayor!***
Book/Wine Club
Last night at my "book club".....these women are still in denial that we aren't a wine club but I digress....we were laughing, complaining, laughing, bitching and drinking as we always do. Did I mention laughing? We do a lot of that.
They were asking me why I haven't written about our nights before. So today I'm going to give you a little snippet of the conversations we have on any given Friday night. Let me warn you there is no rhyme or reason to our conversations. We are never sure how they get started or how they end up where they do.
We leaned that it's cold when you live on a mountain top in Africa. And if your maid says she took your cashmere sweater, the only warm item of clothing you brought with you from frigid Canada, out to be dry cleaned.... she really stole it.
$8000.00 was the cost of one of our wedding dresses. Another paid $99 right off the rack. One had her wedding earrings stolen by her maid in Africa.
The " good catholic girl" , who couldn't read 50 Shades of Grey, watched the movie....FYI it was illegally downloaded. Go figure.
Our kids are all crazy. And we all scream at them to do their homework. We all agreed we scream because we don't want them living in our basements!
We were split about Star Wars. And Jar Jar. Two of us confessed we like to sleep in movie theaters.
So there you have it. An average night at my wine club. A few hours to kick our shoes off, have a few drinks and laugh til we are crying. We should do it more often.
Oh and one more thing we learned...we like it best when Deb can make it too.
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Laundry List
I spent most of today doing laundry. It's not my favorite thing to do. As my Aunt June told me once..."You are walking downstairs, into your pretty laundry room, throwing it in a machine, press a few buttons and it's done. Then you take it out of the first machine then put it in the second. It's not like you are dragging it down to the river and beating it against a rock." I cried I laughed so hard when she said that. We still laugh about it.
She was right of course. But we all have our own "worst chores" list. I think we have too many clothes. Or at least the kids do. Apparently they can't wear anything twice. Even pajamas in Riley's case.
Luckily my laundry room is very pretty. Without a doubt the nicest room in the house. It still needs a few finishing a wine fridge (thank you Shannon for reminding me of this) and some speakers. Maybe a picture or two. Some color.
What I do need though are children who put their own clothes away. Or better yet do their own laundry. And ours too.
Without turning everything pink!
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Yesterday was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States. I've always been a huge admirer of his words. He could make anything sound poetic while still getting his point across. His faith, patience and his belief in peaceful demonstration changed the world. I wonder what he would think of race relations in the U.S. today?
What would he have said about the death of Laquan McDonald...shot in the back 16 times by a police officer in Chicago. Or Trayvon Martin who went out to buy candy and was shot for "suspicious behaviour" by a member of a community watch program. Or would these acts have never happened had Dr. King been given more time to change people's way of thinking?
We will never know all the great things he could have accomplished. All the lives he could have made better. The struggles made easier by his aid. Dr. King did so much in such a relatively short time that my mind just cannot fathom all the good he could, and should, have done. Another person senselessly taken too soon.
I'm a day late, I know, but his legacy is too large for one day. With the state of the world right now, we need his message of peace and acceptance even more.
Listen to his speeches. Get yourself inspired.
Saturday, 16 January 2016
Never Stop Talking...Ever
Mental illness is still a taboo subject for most people. Voices are lowered. Direct eye contact is avoided. We say that people have bad "nerves". Or they are "sensitive". It's just an "episode". Let me translate those phrases for you...anxiety, depression, mental illness.
The statistics are staggering. 1 in 5 people will struggle with mental illness. Only 1 in 3 will seek and receive help. Think about those numbers. Chances are in your immediate family...parents, siblings and least one will suffer from some form of this disease.
These are your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and bosses. They are police officers, doctors, waiters, teachers and garbage collectors. It is your children. Your children. It could be you. Or me.
People with cancer get our sympathy. So do people with heart disease, diabetes, crohn's or hepatitis. People rush to help them and their families cope with these "unasked for" diseases. But say you or someone you know is suffering from depression or schizophrenia, people can't get away fast enough.
It's not as if people are unsympathetic. But we don't know what to say or how to say it. We feel like it's better to say nothing than to say the wrong thing. We are embarrassed. Or feel the person would/should be embarrassed. Wrong wrong wrong.
Say something. Don't know what to say? Ask someone who does. Ask your doctor, minister, teacher, social worker or parent. Google mental health lines in your area. Not one locally? Call collect or find an 800 number. Walk into a medical clinic or hospital and say you need help. Keep trying. Keep talking. Never stop talking.
Unfortunately my family has lost several people to mental illness. We are reluctant experts on the subject.
We will never stop talking. Ever.
Thursday, 14 January 2016
2016 List
Because it's a new year, I thought I would make a list of all the things inside the house I would like to get done in the next twelve months. My thinking is if I put it on paper and can scratch it off when it's completed I will have a sense of accomplishment that will make us want to do more. And yes the hated HGTV is on in the background.
Here goes....
1. The laundry room 100% finished - it's about 95% done so this is an easy one.
2. Bathroom installed, complete with shower, in the basement.
3. Basement finished - flooring, walls, moldings and projection screen (I'm throwing that in in case John reads this. Incentive :)
4. Hardwood installed on basement stairs and landings.
5. Walk-in closets shelved and organized - basement again
6. Work room shelved, organized and flooring.
7. Library/computer room furnished and fireplace installed.
Okay I have to stop. The basement will take up my entire renovation budget for the year! And I could have saved time by simply writing...the basement. Think of all the extra room we would have. The kids could play there and when their friends come over they could hang out and have some privacy. Not to mention that I would never have to move cables around again to watch tv.
Well there it is. My 2016 list. Maybe I should call it my "wish list". Let the renos begin.
**As I was writing this I heard the sad news that Alan Rickman died. He was my favorite in the Harry Potter films... Severus Snape was so nasty and the cold delivery was fantastic. RIP Mr. Rickman.**
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
I just finished reading an article entitled Are We The Worst Generation of Parents Ever?. Omg it was so dead on. I know these parents they speak of. They really need to read
One thing that rings so true is "we". Your child's team won a game. You did not. Your child got accepted into a program. You did not. I know many, many, many people, especially women, who use this term when referring to their child's accomplishments. Funny enough "we" never fail a test or loose a game. Interesting.
Another fascinating thought was the idea of kids having to be special. As if their being alive didn't make them special. Kids don't play soccer. They must play competitive soccer. Or they are on an elite team. As if the fact that they are on a "special" team makes them better than the other kids who just play the sport. Children can't just play the piano, they must be the next Mozart.
Parents need their children to succeed. At everything. All the time. Failure is not an option. Not even perceived failure. Our kids will have a better, happier life because we pushed them to achieve...of course they won't. But we have it in our heads they will. Not sure how it got there but most parents would swear it was the truth.
By no means am I saying I'm parent of the year. Not even close. But I try very hard not to be a helicopter parent. Or their concierge. I love that the article used that word! But I know for a fact we could ALL use a step back where our kids are concerned.
One final word on this subject. We are all proud of our kids. Whether they are A students or a solid C. Competitive league or bench warmer. The next Maya Angelou or Homer Simpson.
Healthy and happy is all I ask.
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
Every so often I like to go to the "stats" page of my blog and see where the people are from who are reading it. While it doesn't give exact locations it does tell me the countries. And boy is it exciting.
As I sit here in frigid Ottawa, Canada telling you about my life someone in Portugal is reading it! Crazy. Is anything in my life relate-able to a person there? Must be. Every week there are more views. Parenting and bad drivers crosses every border and culture.
Poland. My best friend is from there but I can't see her telling her old friends about it. Maybe her sister. I wonder if they know her?
Botswana, India and the Ukraine are some of the more exotic locales this month. Honestly I have no idea how they found out about it. How exciting! And Russia. Russia. Literally on the other side of the globe.
I want to hear from all of you. What your life is like. The similarities and the differences. I know its hard to leave comments....Alex is designing me a new website and that should make it easier. In the mean time send a message to my Facebook page Life As I See It. I would LOVE to hear from you! Love.
Don't feel left out Canada and US peeps. I want to hear from you too.
Let's Dance
Yesterday we all got up to the news that David Bowie died. All day I heard his songs on the radio. Entertainment media was full of stories on his life and impact on music. News programs all showed a few clips of his videos and movies. Sad.
69. It's not old. They said he had been fighting cancer for eighteen months. Quietly, away from the spotlight. But still the artist inside made him go on and record a final album. One last gift for us to enjoy.
I hope he has found peace. I hope his family, wife Iman, son Duncan and daughter Alexandria, take some comfort in knowing his suffering is over.
RIP Ziggy. You will be missed.
U Turns Snafu
One huge expense these days is car insurance. Most people complain about the cost, especially if they have drivers under the age of 25 in the household. And they put the blame 100% on the shoulders of those young drivers. After what I saw today dropping Alex off at school, I don't believe that one bit.
In front of Alex's school there is a drop off zone. You can pull off the four lane, undivided street, your child jumps out and off you go. Lots of schools call it a Kiss and Ride. Most of the students who are dropped off here are driven by their parents. So the crazy, reckless, idiotic driving I witnessed this morning cannot be blamed on teenagers.
Cars, trucks and mini vans were coming out of that drop zone and doing u turns! U turns! Not one or two almost every single one of them. While I was waiting my turn, with my mouth open in disbelief, all seven cars in front of me made a u turn after their kids got out.
Remember I said it was four lanes. Well those two lanes coming towards us were full of cars. Parents coming to drop off their kids. Horns were blaring and people were slamming on brakes so the u turning driver didn't smash into them. Time after time after time.
And those parents coming the opposite way were not innocent either. They were doing u turns to get into the drop zone! WTH??? A traffic cop could make their quota in one morning if they were near by.
Happily we made it out of there untouched by another parent in a rush to get to work. No bumpers damaged or worse. I did notice also that most of the drivers had coffees in one hand and a cell phone in the other. Hmmm that's interesting.
I can't even tell you what Riley's parking lot was like. It's always scary. No wonder there is baileys in my coffee.
Saturday, 9 January 2016
No Self Contol
Hi my name is Angela and I have no self control. There I said it. Out loud too so there are witnesses. Accountability is a good thing right? Maybe I should have done this a long time ago.
A few days ago I wrote about being a fiscally responsible adult. I was going to spend the year 2016 doing things differently financially. vacations. None. Not even one. Except taking the kids to visit family in the summer.
Yesterday an email came across the screen I just couldn't ignore. Another vacation. Over March break so the kids wouldn't miss any more school. Perfect. Still a bit higher than I would have liked but doable. A few phone calls later, I had the price down to a reasonable number. Put it on hold I said.
At the 23 hour mark, they will hold it for 24 hours only, I called back to say "ok book it". The lady I spoke to yesterday wasn't available so another agent came on the line. As she was asking me a few more questions I asked about checking for an additional discount. That meant an extra phone call for her with who knew how long a wait time. She decided to call me back when she had the info. Great.
While I was waiting something happened. Nothing short of an epiphany. I started jotting down additional costs. Extra hotels, food, parking and the big killer...currency exchange. I added it up quickly and saw what I always knew but couldn't accept. It wasn't a deal. Or doable. No way could I justify the cost. And I hadn't even included in the fact that my better half has no vacation time left so this would mean vacation without pay!
With a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat, I told the agent to take the vacation off hold. Cancel it altogether. Take my dream and throw it out the window. Melodramatic I know but I felt awful. An entire winter without warmth and sunshine. How can I possibly survive it??
As I dragged myself to the family room to give John the bad news I realized something. It wasn't bad news. In fact it was great news. I had made the right decision. I had exerted some self control. I made the best financial decision for my family long term. Good for me.
So why do I feel so let down?
Friday, 8 January 2016
Air Bags
This morning I had to drive Alex to school so he could bring in his rather large science project. In fact it was so big it couldn't fit in the trunk of my small car. Alex sat in the back seat with it on his lap.
Riley, being only nine, had to come too. He was very excited about sitting in the front seat for the first time. That and the fact I have seat warmers and it was a frosty morning. I pushed the seat back as far as it would go, just in case the air bag deployed.
Trying to be a good parent, after Alex got out I had him move to the back seat where he is supposed to be safest. But is he?
My car is two years old. One of the many safety features is the amount of air bags. Four in total. One on each rear passenger door. So if he is too small to survive in the front seat what about the back? Don't all air bags deploy at the same speed? And if his seat belt does it's job won't the air bag engulf him? Or at least try to push him in the other direction? What about the one on the other side? Is he squished in between? What if Alex is back there too?
So many questions. I've searched many sites today looking for answers and here's what I've found out. Put your child in the middle of the back seat. Period. That's it. Nothing about two kids in a car.
The side impact bags sound like a great idea in a rollover situation. The article even said they can deploy on uneven/unimproved roads where no roll over or impact is detected. Interesting.
What I didn't find was any specific age, weight or height requirements for the front seat. All every article seemed to focus on was the danger of the airbag not an actual collision itself. And of course the proper placing of the seat belt. That's a given.
For now I think I'll keep Riley in the back. He's tall for his age so positioning the seat belt isn't an issue. Who would have thought safety features could cause so much worry?
Fingers crossed we won't ever have to find out what happens when those airbags deploy!
Thursday, 7 January 2016
The UK
I want to move to Britain. Somewhere outside of London. In a quaint little town where the kids wear uniforms to school, there is a local pub and it's only a subway ride to the big city for nightlife and shopping.
Our house will be smallish and only one bathroom. The main level will have several small rooms branching off the living area/kitchen/dining room. We will have a "garden" that fits a small table and two metal chairs with pretty flowered cushions.
Can you tell I was watching HGTV this morning? Those living abroad shows interest me. I think how cool it would be to live in a different country for a few years. Let the kids experience other cultures and see just how lucky they are to be Canadian.
John ruins it for me every time though. This "how can we afford it" or "what about a job" comments are real downers. Boy our minds work differently. Yes I know they are valid questions but just once can't he say "Great idea honey! Let's do it!"? Would it kill him?
Several hours have past since I watched the show this morning. I've taken Riley to school and bought some food. The idea of moving is still very appealing to me. But after being outside, I'm thinking a warm climate.
I wonder what the housing market is Barbados?!
John ruins it for me every time though. This "how can we afford it" or "what about a job" comments are real downers. Boy our minds work differently. Yes I know they are valid questions but just once can't he say "Great idea honey! Let's do it!"? Would it kill him?
Several hours have past since I watched the show this morning. I've taken Riley to school and bought some food. The idea of moving is still very appealing to me. But after being outside, I'm thinking a warm climate.
I wonder what the housing market is Barbados?!
Wednesday, 6 January 2016
Retirement Plans
Ever think about your retirement? What it will be like. How much money you'll have. Will you travel. Winter in the tropics. Will you divorce your spouse within the first year if you have to spend 24/7 together.
We think about it a lot. I guess that's part of getting older. There is a plan. It's sketchy but there. It does involve travel and wintering in the south. A paid for house. No bills. There is only one catch to the plan. The kids!
One of the benefits of having kids later in life is you have, normally, more patience and money. The downfall is late university fees and kids still living with you.
Riley is nine. That means nine more years of high school. Let's say four years of university while living here. Thirteen years from now we would be free to do whatever we want in retirement. And we will be old. Not old old. But much older than we ever planned retiring at.
There are options. You can't predict what the future will bring. Maybe we will win the lottery. Or invent an app that will change the world. Til then we can just keep adjusting our time frame. And hope neither child wants a PHD
I guess that's considered a 1st world problem.
Monday, 4 January 2016
Do We Really Care?
Do you really care what Kim Kardashian's baby looks like? What about Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth getting back together? Or Anne Hathaway's baby bump? Rihanna was spotted in Ottawa shopping. Is that your idea of news?
Those four things were in the news this morning. Not the entertainment news. The news news. Hopefully I'm not the only one who finds this odd. Surely there is enough other stuff going on to fill up the hour with "actual" news.
There was an earthquake in India. Lots of damage and people injured. There is a 12 year old girl missing in Manitoba. A Mexican Mayor was shot dead a day after taking office. Isn't that a little tiny bit more important than Saint West?
We are living in a time where terrorism is a daily occurrence. The Canadian oil business is in a rapid decline. Basic costs like food and electricity are skyrocketing. People are losing their jobs and homes. Fires, flooding, storms....all more newsworthy than Justin Bieber having a new girlfriend.
But is it? Obviously not. What used to fall into the category of entertainment stories is now main stream. People have a vested interest in what their favorite celebrities are up to. And not just kids. Adults are more concerned about Daniel Craig's surprise Star Wars role than the fact that Saudi Arabia just held a mass execution. 47 people to be exact.
Don't get me wrong I keep up with the entertainment news. I love to hear what the cast of Downton are up to. And I really wanted to see the dress Jennifer Aniston wore at her wedding. I'm a self proclaimed Cumberbitch. However...
That is after I get the real news. The things that will affect my life and yours. What is going on in the Middle East and my own doorstep. Whether PM Trudeau is legalizing marijuana or Prez Obama is tightening gun control. You know. The important stuff.
And seriously no matter how much money you have or how famous, Saint and North are names that will absolutely get your kid teased in school. Guaranteed.
Random Thoughts
Today Riley turns 9! I can't believe it. 9! Where have the years gone? He is funny, charismatic, talkative, smart, kind, talkative, inquisitive and talkative. He wants to have Chinese food for dinner and Boston Pizza and shawarma. Maybe he will make his mind up at school.
Yes today is back to school!!!! I couldn't be happier. Three weeks of togetherness is too much. Way too much. Alex isn't happy but he has at least nine years of school to go so he better get over it. Riley, on the other hand, couldn't be more excited. Hanging out with his friends and learning new things makes him a happy boy. He's not as happy as I am though!
It's cold today. Very cold. The first real winter day we have had. -27 Celsius to be exact. That's -16.6 in Fahrenheit. Truthfully though I didn't need to convert it for you. Minus anything is cold. And if it starts with a two then it's very cold no matter how you measure it. Frostbite warnings have been issued. Only two weeks ago we were in the Caribbean enjoying the warmth and sunshine. Ughh.
I'm not going to lie. I'm not a winter person. Give me sun and sand any day over cold and snow. Warm breezes and year round grass suits me just fine. Snow and cold makes me want to curl up under a blanket til May rolls around. Oh yeah it also makes me go to travel websites and book vacations I can't afford!
As I sit here this morning, drinking coffee and listening to the quiet, I'm struck by two things. First my clean house has disappeared. Really disappeared. I should probably do something about that. Second I need to go out today. In this cold. I can't put it off.
I don't like either one of those thoughts. What was the name of that travel site again??
Saturday, 2 January 2016
I know I should start taking down my holiday decorating. I know it. In fact some people have reminded me of it. They tell me I put it up too early and take it down too late. That is their unsolicited opinion. I wish they would keep it to themselves.
It's always hard for me to start putting things away. I find it a little depressing. My house becomes boring and a little blah. That is my own fault of course. And one easily changed if I really want it to.
The tree makes me smile when I walk past it. The colored lights add a sparkle to the room. Candles, pictures and ornaments in different places are a welcome sight. Wreaths and ribbons bring warmth to every door. The house is just prettier.
My house is a work in progress. There are lots of renovations that "need" to be done and quite a few we "want" done. Overall it's comfortable and cozy in it's own way. I enjoy spending time here. does look nicer with the decorations around.
So if you need a little extra time with your decorations take heart. You aren't the only one. You've got me.
Friday, 1 January 2016
We woke up this morning to a new year. 2016. Think of the possibilities! An opportunity to start over. Start fresh. Doesn't that sound great? Or does it?
Most people end the year making promises to themselves about what they will be doing differently in the new year. I'll be kinder, a better spouse, quit smoking, lose weight, exercise more, work less....we've all said them. But do we set ourselves up to fail?
"Experts" say it's a bad idea to start on January 1. Too much pressure. Too many eyes watching your progress. You are flying high on promises you made to yourself and others that you didn't think through or plan for. Here was me thinking we should call that a support system but I guess not.
Are they right? If you woke up this morning with a hangover I'm sure you really mean the words "I won't ever drink again!". And since all the chocolate and chips are gone from the party of course you'll eat healthier. But what happens tomorrow? Or the next day?
I'm of the mind set to start whenever it works for you. Maybe you need to say "I'm quitting smoking tomorrow" in front of a crowd in order to do it. Maybe you only need to look in the mirror, in the privacy of your own room, to make you want to be a better parent. As long as you make a good faith effort I'm in your corner.
If you start this new year off with a run, some oatmeal, no cigarettes or a brighter outlook I salute you. And if you happen to falter, or fall altogether, keep trying. You will succeed.
If you need to wait til Monday I've still got your back.
Me...well I'm going back to bed. My resolution was to sleep more.
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