Wednesday 27 January 2016


  Before Riley was born, Alex would talk to my "bump" for hours. He would tell Riley stories and sing him songs. Mostly he would tell him how much he loved him and couldn't wait to meet him and play. It was very sweet. Brotherly love.

  When Riley was born, Alex was beyond excited. He would shake a rattle and show him his toys. Entertain him. He was always kissing him and wanting to hold him. It was very sweet. Brotherly love.

  As Riley gets older, Alex can't stand to be in the same room as his brother. Every move Riley makes, every peep that comes out of his mouth, irritates the crap out of him. It's not very sweet. There is no brotherly love.

  I'm hoping this will change. It would make my life so much easier. Maybe I could actually go to the bathroom without one of them yelling at me through the door. Complaining about whatever it was the other did. 

  John tells me he fought with his brothers all the time. And now, as adults, they get along very well. Mind you they all live in various parts of the country so who knows what it would be like if they lived next door to each other. 

  Only time will tell I guess. Maybe they will become the best of friends and their kids will grow up playing together. Maybe they will hang out and watch movies. Maybe they will celebrate holidays and be each others "best man".

  Maybe, fingers crossed, I'll live long enough to see it.


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