Tuesday 12 January 2016


  Every so often I like to go to the "stats" page of my blog and see where the people are from who are reading it. While it doesn't give exact locations it does tell me the countries. And boy is it exciting.

  As I sit here in frigid Ottawa, Canada telling you about my life someone in Portugal is reading it! Crazy. Is anything in my life relate-able to a person there? Must be. Every week there are more views. Parenting and bad drivers crosses every border and culture.

  Poland. My best friend is from there but I can't see her telling her old friends about it. Maybe her sister. I wonder if they know her? 

  Botswana, India and the Ukraine are some of the more exotic locales this month. Honestly I have no idea how they found out about it. How exciting! And Russia. Russia. Literally on the other side of the globe. 

  I want to hear from all of you. What your life is like. The similarities and the differences. I know its hard to leave comments....Alex is designing me a new website and that should make it easier. In the mean time send a message to my Facebook page Life As I See It. I would LOVE to hear from you! Love.

  Don't feel left out Canada and US peeps. I want to hear from you too.





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