Monday 18 April 2016


  Alex is trying out for football this morning. It's at school and only for grade sevens. He isn't much of a team sport kid. He had no interest in hockey or soccer but he likes the idea of football. Me...I'm not so sure.

  I'm happy to say it's touch not tackle. That makes a my head not my heart. Both Alex and John assure me it's safe. Or as safe as any sport can be. That is true.... again in my head.

  However Alex almost broke his wrist last week wrestling. He broke a finger in volleyball a few years back. And we can't forget the broken collarbone falling out of bed. I'm not saying he is accident prone, he isn't. Just that if it's going to happen to someone it will be him.

  Since he really wants to do this I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him. I'm just not sure what I'm hoping for.


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