Thursday 28 April 2016

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

  Today is my Mom's birthday! I'm the worst card sender on the planet so she didn't get one. Last year we sent flowers and she sneezed and coughed til they died. No flowers today either. 

  She wants no clothes or knick knacks. Mom lives in a small town so restaurant gift cards are out. There are no movie theaters or live theater close by so that's out too. What does that leave? Cash. She doesn't want that either.

  So here is your present....We promise to face time more often. Especially Alex and Riley will only be able to play you one song on the piano for you instead of his normal twenty. We promise Riley won't call you for money for whatever fundraiser he is involved in.  And finally we promise that the next time you come to visit you can sleep alone.....for one night at least.

  Happy birthday Mom! Oh and don't hold us to those gifts. You know it's not going to stick :)


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