Wednesday 27 April 2016

Little Blessings

  When you get up at such an early hour....5:15 this have more time to contemplate things. Or at least I do. In fact I've fixed most of the countries problems while still on my first cup of coffee. That's pretty amazing if I say so myself.

  So keeping to that positive note, here's a few things I'm thankful for today and every day. In no particular order.

  My kids are healthy. They are happy, except when together, and decent. Again decent to others but not each other. Brothers.

  The entryway drapes. They let in the early morning sun but keep the walkers from looking into my house. I've seen you. You know who you are. 

  Dollarama for selling cheap batteries for the remote so I'm not forced to use the Wii controller. Trying to figure out which wires I need to change would be torture this morning.

  Seat warmers. Even in late April. I'll never buy another car without them. Ever.

  And last, but certainly not least, the clothes dryer. Alex would have been leaving today in wet jeans, or worse yet, those sweat pants he loves with the hole in them. Oh wait...he packed those.

  Look for those little blessings. Some days that's all you've got.

  But not today!



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