Sunday 10 April 2016


  Like many of you out there, I am a taxi service to my children. And sometimes their friends as well. Most of the time I don't mind...except when the weather is crappy. But this weekend it seems like I never got out of the car.

  My kids are busy. But not too busy. We aren't running non-stop from thing to thing. This weekend though was full of "extras". Groceries, hair cuts, school projects with classmates. It seemed busier.

  We are now in that bizarre timing schedule where nothing on the weekend is at the same time for both kids. Even when they are in the same activity! Different ages. Different times. 

  The worst part, for me, was I really wanted a nap. Both days. And I never got one. To make matters worse, Riley was sick last night so I'm sleep deprived to start with!

  My friend Janet tells me I will miss these days of chauffeuring the kids around. The noise of five almost teenage boys in the living room. Tripping over Lego's and picking crayons out of the dishwasher. 

  She says there will be lots of time for a clean house and sleeping in. Mom's taxi will be replaced by the words "Can I borrow the car?".  Maybe she's right but I can't see it today through my grainy eyes.

  It's time to hang up my cabby hat. Oh and Janet is right. She's always right.



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