Saturday 16 April 2016

Welcome Spring

  Spring has sprung!!! Finally! The first really nice day has hit the nation's capital. Not only sunshine but double digit temps. People were out in full force in t-shirts and capris. I even saw some shorts. What a great day.

  Snow shovels went into the garage and rakes took their place. Hoses and grass seeds saw their debuts as well. And most everyone I saw in their front yards were removing Christmas lights. Us included.

  After a few cold weeks we are all ready for planting some flowers and opening up pools. John put the planters out and the new stones we bought are now in the front garden.  Even the worm made it successfully through the winter although it really needs a paint job this year. 

  When we were driving around today looking at houses, more on that another time, you could smell bbq's everywhere. Sadly we are still out of propane. But that will be fixed tomorrow guaranteed.

  All that fresh air has made me sleepy. I'll need my energy to be able to do it all again tomorrow. 

  Welcome spring. We missed you. Terribly.


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