Wednesday 13 April 2016

Happy Happy

   I am the parent of an extremely happy 12, almost 13, year old. Yes he has a new phone and he couldn't be happier. Alex woke up humming this morning. Jumped out of bed and into the shower. Not one harsh word. A joy to be around so early in the morning. Maybe we should have bought this months ago!

  The snow is almost gone. I can see grass again. Or the weeds we refer to as grass. Birds are chirping non-stop now. And I must admit it is a nice sound to wake up to. That will pass I'm sure.

  With sunshine pouring in the windows, the furnace is turned down low. Perfect timing since we now have to pay for another cell phone. It's nice to be able to open the windows a crack to air out all the winter germs. The house smells "fresh" for lack of a better word.

  Something about the change in temperature has changed my mood. Things seem brighter and easier. There is a new happiness in the house. Brought in by the sunshine or the warm breeze I'm not sure. But we will take it.

  I think I'll take my coffee on the deck. Sit in the sunshine. Enjoy the sun. Maybe read a book.

 Wouldn't that shock my book club!


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