Wednesday 20 April 2016


  Alex is getting an immunization today. While I had reservations about him receiving it in school and not from our doctor, I relented. It is, after all, administered by a nurse. And he's growing up and doesn't need his "mommy" around when he's getting a shot.

  This brings up the whole conversation about immunizations. It is the same as politics and religion...don't discuss it. People have very adamant opinions on the subject. There are those who are fanatical....on both sides. 

  I have friends who are on-the-verge of being called fanatics. They cannot even imagine a parent not doing it. And some are even to the point where they believe immunizations should be the law.

  Others I know have done their own research and decided against. All have taken the risks into consideration and made their own choice. They are ready and willing to live with the consequences. Most have had heated conversations defending their choices. 

  As parents, John and I do believe in immunizations. Both boys are fully inoculated. But I don't believe it should be the law.  I'm sure more children suffer ill health from obesity or concussions than lack of immunization. I'm always leery of the government controlling our health. We can't make everything illegal.

  There are so many decisions we need to make as parents. No matter what the issue, do your homework. Talk to doctors and nurses. Read published papers.... if you can understand them. Stay away from Wikipedia and take the well meaning advice from friends with a grain of salt. 

  Oh and register the immunization records with your local health department. In our case twice. Or three times.



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