Friday, 30 October 2015
I can't believe it!! I just can't believe it!! 1000 views in the first month!!
I'm so grateful to everyone who has taken a moment out of their day to read my thoughts on my life, my rants, the kids and anything else I have rambled on about over the past month.
I hope you've enjoyed it half as much as I have!
Stranded...sort of
I've spent the entire week without a car during the day. A "new world" problem I'm sure but entire five days. My house is clean and the laundry is done but come on, enough already. I'm not sure I would have done anything but I like having the option.
We have two cars...and have for years. I'm not sure we could go back. Too many after school activities and I'm much too disorganized to get everything done in the evenings. So when one isn't working I definitely feel it.
I'm not against the bus. But anyone who has schlepped their groceries home on public transit knows that isn't ideal. Plus timing is everything. And daytime scheduling doesn't always work for what I want to do.
Curiously though, I've wanted to go to the mall all week. I'm not a big shopper and rarely go to the mall. Yet my brain has been saying, for five days now, that that's where I need to be. Strange. Tomorrow when I have access to my car again I wonder if I will want to go? I'm thinking probably not.
But I did notice one huge positive to being car-less all week. My bank account has barely been touched all week! I guess I spend more money then I thought every time I leave the house. Maybe I need to stay home more often.
Don't tell John though....he might take another week to fix the van!
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Where is the Bus??!!
Today is cold, rainy and very windy. One of those autumn days where you finally realize that even "Indian summer" is officially over. And what was I doing on this fine afternoon you may ask. Why I was waiting for the school bus. For a very,very long time.
Riley is a school "walker". We live too close to the school to have busing provided. You must reside farther than 1.8 km from the school in order to qualify for transportation...unless your child is in kindergarten. No one really knows how they came up with that distance. Or exactly how much extra it costs to bus the closer kids. If at all. But that's the rule so.....
Once all the routes are up and running you can apply for one of the empty seats. If you are lucky enough to get one they tell you where and when your child's bus will show up. You cannot ask for any changes such as a closer stop. The bus company is very strict. Very strict.
This particular bus also does another school. So the driver drops off an entire bus load of students before ever reaching Riley's school, where he loads up again. Now the other three buses show up between 3:00 and 3:05, load up and off they go. Not this bus. Sometimes it doesn't show til 3:15 or even 3:20! A full fifteen minutes after the bell rings. It's not the driver's fault. By law he cannot let a kindergarten student off the bus without an adult there to pick them up. So if the parent is late, he must wait. Also there is traffic to consider. Again nothing he can do about that.
But today was ridiculous. I arrived at 3:25...the earliest the bus has ever arrived. I'm constantly moving my umbrella from side to side as the wind changes, trying to keep it from popping. The rain is coming down sideways so most of the time I'm still getting wet. The other parents are there too their cars, warm and dry but I digress. A quick check of my phone, 3:30. Ok it's only been five minutes. Feels like longer but ok.
Check again, 3:35. Well, it probably took longer to load the bus. Any second now. 3:40, nothing. 3:45, nothing. Twenty minutes. I've been waiting 20 minutes. In the cold rain. Trying to keep my umbrella in tact. Not happy. Not happy at all.
3:48 the bus arrives. A full thirty three minutes after the "scheduled" arrival time. The driver is smiling telling the kids to have a good evening and to do their homework. He's as happy as can be. The parents are not so happy. We are tired of waiting. We have other things we could/should have been doing.
Will I call the bus company tomorrow and complain? No I will not. Why? Because we are one of the lucky ones to get that coveted seat. Will any of the other parents voice their irritation? Nope, not a chance. They too are part of the chosen ones. We cannot afford to do anything to anger the bus gods and have our seat pulled out from underneath us...literally and figuratively.
So this will be my only complaint. I will put on my big-girl-panties and move on. My only complaining will be done to anyone who reads this. And John.
Monday, 26 October 2015
Is It Grey in Here?
I'm not sure how or when it happened but my grey hair has come back with a vengeance! It seems like only eight short weeks ago, I spent a crazy-ass amount of money getting rid of the damn stuff. Now there is more than ever. Where did it all come from???
We all deal with the signs of aging differently. Botox is a favorite of some, as are face lifts. The ever popular eyelid lift is known to give you that " I just woke up surprised" look. I'm not a fan of needles so while I like the idea of looking refreshed, I'm not sure it's in the cards for me. However....
Hair is different. It grows back pretty quickly so you really only have to suffer through a few weeks of a bad haircut or a color gone wrong. You can hide it under your hat or wear a wig and no one would ever know what the fuss was about. We've all realized too late that the beautiful cut or color in the magazine wasn't meant for us.
Grey however is irritating. Those strands of hair think. They know which side you part on and grow thickest there. They are aware that you wear a pony tail and add a silvery tint to the sides. And they don't stay hidden for long. In fact they go out of their way to not hold any color at all. I mean it, they are super intelligent.
I know many women who look amazing with grey, silver or white hair. I'm not one of them. I look old. Before my time old. It accentuates every fine line on my face and the not so fine too. They make me hunch over a bit too, adding to the impression of elderlyness....I know that's not a word but it seems to fit so I've made it up.
My stylist appointments are getting closer and closer together. I'm sure I've paid for a year of private school for her child. Still there is one thing that makes this just a little bit best friend has just as much, or more, than me!
Saturday, 24 October 2015
No matter how much money I have it's never going to be enough. My kids will see to that. "Mommy can I have...?" "Mommy I need..." It never ends. Ever. I may have to get a paying job soon. Hugs just aren't buying the things we can't seem to live without.
It's barely two o'clock on Saturday and already I've been bombarded by both boys to buy buy buy. A quick trip out to the farmer's market turned into...I need water, a crown, a new coloring book, stickers, a book and candy. I get home and then it's...I'm going bowling, then a sleep over, a birthday card, money for the card and treats at the alley. My head is pounding. So is my wallet.
Kids are all the same. They want everything. Let me rephrase that, they need everything. Except what they really need. Like a winter jacket, boots and snow suit, which both need as we speak. Somehow I'm supposed to find the money for not only the necessities but the extras as well.
We have done a relatively good job teaching the boys about money. We give them money to buy things, remind them of tax and let them decide what to spend our hard earned cash on. When the money is gone it's gone. They must decide the difference between a "want" and a "need". Riley decides he doesn't need much. Alex decides he needs everything. Either way they make their own choices and live with the consequences. Lots of buyers remorse in our house.
Unlike some other parents, we say no to things more often than yes. They don't do without but they definitely aren't spoiled. Instead we try to spend time, not money, with them. It's all about balance...most of the time.
Sometimes John and I sit back and reminisce about the good old days....when we used to have money. And wonder if those days will ever return. With only sixteen more years til they both finish university we now wonder if we will live to see our bank account increase....yeah probably not.
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Surprise update
Big reveal Mom made a surprise visit. The kids were speechless...and that's saying something! Riley looked shocked, stunned and dazed. Alex couldn't get the silly grin off his face. Priceless. Mom was grinning from ear to ear's all sunshine and daisies here tonight.
FYI..apparently I did tell John. He wasn't surprised at all....except that she hadn't cooked dinner!
Secrets and Surprises
As a rule my family does not have "secrets". We have surprises or things we aren't able to talk about at the moment. I saw a show once that said pedophiles tell their victims that what is taking place is "a secret". So immediately I decided there was none of that in this house. I went so far as to tell the kids that if someone said to them "it's a secret" to come and tell us asap. Parental paranoia I know but....
We have surprised the boys many times. Trips. Change of plans. Visitors. All wonderful. All well received. As they get older it is harder to do....they have excellent hearing, especially from the top of the stairs, when they are supposed to be asleep. I think they may have reached the age where they now see through us. I hope I'm wrong.
Today we have a surprise for them....I won't say what it is because Alex thinks it's very funny that his mother has a blog and tends to read it when he should be studying. They both know something is up but haven't figured out exactly what. For the past three days I've been getting the strangest of questions. And giving the strangest of answers.
Why are you cleaning? My favorite question by far. But it's true we clean different if someone is coming to stay or even for dinner. You all know what I'm talking about. Normal people don't clean out the medicine cabinet if there isn't a chance someone else might be peeking inside.
How come there is no food? Honestly I get that a lot. Even when a surprise vacation isn't planned. No matter how much food I buy it disappears after forty eight hours. Always.
Why is there an email from...? My email comes up on two phones, an iPad and the laptop. There is no privacy of information when it comes to email. Many sets of eyes might see it before I even know it's arrived. I'm ok with that...most of the time.
If I was to guess, I would say Riley has asked me at least one hundred things the "surprise" could be. Poor kid wants to know badly. I told him it might be a puppy, a new car or a Disney cruise. FYI it's none of the above. Although they all sound nice.
This afternoon is the big reveal. I know they will be so happy and excited. All the clues of the past week will come together. They won't mind all the little white lies I've told or the out right ones either. It will all be forgiven and forgotten.
In all this I forgot about John. I'm not sure I told him!
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
I'm amazed. People are nasty. Don't believe me? Check out any social media. We say the meanest, most vial things about everyone. Have a disability? Mental illness? Had a death in your family? Nothing and no one is off limits. With complete anonymity, you can rip someone to shreds and never face any consequences. How scary is that?
For example, the MP for my area was defeated in Monday's election. Someone, who didn't reveal their name, made a comment about how they hoped he got sick so he could enjoy all the cut backs to health care he approved. The former MP has cancer. I'm 99.9% positive this person would never had said this to his face. Can you imagine saying that to someone who is going through cancer treatment? Of course not because you would be expecting a very nasty you would deserve.
Common decency doesn't seem to play a big role on social media sites. We've all heard about cyber bullying. You don't even have to see the person to take part. From the safety of your own home, you can call people whatever hate you choose to spew. Take the most vulnerable people and kick them just one more time...then forward the photo to every single person you know.
Teenagers have it particularly hard. Cameras are everywhere. Everyone has one. No matter what you are doing, in a split second, you are filmed, edited and on line. And it never goes away. Ever.
Growing up I made mistakes. So did you. So does everyone. There is no evidence of mine....except in the minds of some old and dear friends. My kids are not going to be as lucky. They need to be aware they are always seconds away from on-line fame...and not in a good way. But they aren't because they are kids and invincible.
Talk to your kids. All the time. Show them that words hurt. Put faces to people who are being bullied. Tell them their stories. Your own stories too. Make them understand that they need to stand up to a bully....even if they don't know the victim. Most importantly teach them not to be the bully...and if they already are then show them how to stop.
A good rule to follow...if you wouldn't say it to the persons face, don't hit send.
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Woohoo it's finally over! No matter what your politics, I think we can all agree it was waaaaaaay too long. That's right the Canadian Federal election is history. Seventy eight days. The longest campaign since 1872. Fingers crossed we don't ever see that again.
This morning we woke up to a country that had made a huge statement . As a people, we were ready for change. Good or bad, only time will tell. But change we will get. The entire country shocked the hell out of themselves. Ridings, that have historically been one party strongholds, have crossed the great divide. Fingers crossed they don't regret it.
Today PM-designate Justin Trudeau is, or he should be, hard at work. With a majority government, he must now start looking at who will be his "right hands" in the assorted departments. Between you and I, I hope he had started this weeks ago. Big decisions will have to be made and quickly. And I don't mean what color to paint the kids rooms at 24 Sussex Drive.
On a personal note I'm happy that some long term MP's will be job hunting. Sometimes you can be in a job too long. New faces and fresh ideas seem to be on the menu and I like it. My MP has been in since 2006 and honestly I think it's enough. He lost his seat last night and while I'm not saying he hasn't done some things for our area, I'm ready for some new blood. Even if it had been another Conservative I would be saying the same thing. Life is all about change.
One interesting thing I noticed was the amount of women MP's. Eighty eight in total. That is up eleven since the previous election.That's great news no matter which party they belong to. Women seem to be better able to get things done...just my own biased opinion there. It will be interesting to see where the new PM puts some of these ladies in regards to portfolios. A female Finance Minister perhaps? What about Foreign Affairs? I know National Defence! We will have to see.
Keep in mind not everyone is happy this morning. Some promises are going to hurt lots of people. Just as some will help. Trying to look at the big picture is supposed to help but we all look at what affects us first. The entire population will not be happy. Such is the business of politics. But I'm hoping that everyone will get a little something they can use and live with what they don't.
Now that it's over, we can finally get some normalacy back. We will wait and see if the "change" is all we were promised. No more ads. No more escalators. Seriously....I hated that.
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Old Movies
This weekend was cold. Very cold. We even saw a bit of the white stuff, both yesterday and today. With the house toasty warm, snuggled under a blanket, I did something I don't normally do....watched movies.
I'm a Netflix junkie. I'll admit to that. Binge watching is something we enjoy on those long winter evenings. But movies have always been John's thing. I don't even go to the theater because 99% of the time I fall asleep. No matter how good the movie is or who is starring in it, I tend to catch a few zzzz's. Usually with a few snores too.
At home I can rewind, start over or press pause when I feel like it. Bathroom breaks and phone calls are easy. Not to mention that snacks are much cheaper and healthier too!
Saturday I watched Imitation Game...twice. I seem to have nodded off for about an hour somewhere around the middle. This movie, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley, was based on the true life story of mathematician genius Alan Turing. He was the man who built a machine that broke the Enigma code in World War 2. One of the first computers. Fabulous movie.
He also happened to be gay...a crime in England in the 1940's and 50's when this was playing out. It's only a minor part in the film but I thought it was interesting that they used hormone therapy, chemical castration, to "cure" him. He committed suicide in 1954 at the young age of 41. Imagine what that brain could have conceived had he lived another forty years. Queen Elizabeth granted a Royal Pardon in seems odd to have taken so long considering what he did for the war effort. Better late than never I suppose.
A Time To Kill was my Sunday morning selection. Can you believe it's 21 years old? Still as good today as it was waaaay back when. Just like the first time, I was so impressed by Sam Jackson. He is always spot on. Always. The scene where he goes to the hospital room of the deputy he shot, is so real. You can see the remorse on his face. Donald Sutherland is the best drunk ever and I love Charles Dutton in anything. He never disappoints.
But the best part of the entire film is when Jake, Matthew McConaughey, gives his closing remarks to the jury. Asking them to close their eyes. Repeating the entire beating, rape and attempted hanging of poor ten year old Tanya. Then "the" line of the movie..." no imagine she's black". Cold chills. Tears.
It's hard to believe that sort of stuff happened. The Klan...seriously? People getting away with crimes because they were white and their victims black. Sadly it wasn't that long ago that was reality. Hell in some places it's still going on today I'm sure. We've come a long way but there is still a long way to go.
With only one child this weekend we were also able to catch up on the favorite show...I love me some Spader. I'm sure over the next five months of cold, snowy evenings, I'll be able to watch a few more films. I like the idea of something old and something new.
Soon I'll have my pick of Christmas movies....
Saturday, 17 October 2015
Exactly one month ago I decided to heed my hubby's advice and start this blog. He was right, I am enjoying it. I thought it would be hard to come up with something new every day or so but life throws stuff at us at an alarming rate. Like this morning.....
I'm sleeping. It was a late night. Two o'clock before my head hits the pillow. I was enjoying a dreamless sleep when I hear, very loudly, "Mommy! Time to get up!" It is 8:02. Saturday morning. How did my dream turn into a nightmare so fast?
Stumbling down stairs, I head towards the coffee maker. John is following behind me talking about protein pancakes...FYI they look disgusting but he swears they taste good. My favorite cup is clean. There is cream in the fridge. Even after a rough start things are looking positive. I can smell something wonderful when I look out the window and see......SNOW. Little tiny ice pellets that turn to white. I can see it coming down. White. Snow. Ugh.
It's only mid-October. Way too early for anything resembling snow flurries. In seconds it's over. The sky starts to clear. And the sun comes out. Maybe it was part of my dream. Nope. For a few brief seconds, the ground has the unmistakable look of a light dusting of snow.
The day has turned out beautiful. Sunny and clear. But this morning we got a small hint of what we have in store in the very near future. Sooner than I care to think, the white flakes falling from the sky will hit the ground and stay. Our lives will become part of a winter wonderland. Whether we are ready for it or not. That makes me a little ill.
Poor Alex is camping this weekend. Fingers crossed it was warmer there this morning, without any of the white stuff. Probably not. He's young. He will handle it much better than his mom.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Modern medicine is awe inspiring. I am amazed at the new procedures, equipment and therapies. They seem to change every day. Especially when it comes to the heart.
I've spent the past three days at the Heart Institute here in Ottawa. Not for myself but a relative. What we would hear about on Star Trek is no longer fiction. Lasers, ultra sounds and teeny tiny little cameras are making recoveries both faster and easier. In fact for some procedures, that I would call very invasive, you are no longer even put to sleep for. They give you something to "relax" and you can watch the monitor just like the doctors.
The most common procedure, a pacemaker, now can come with a defibrillator. You don't need to go to the hospital for the paddles they are right inside you. Amazing. Even by-pass surgery can now be done, in some cases, with lasers. No breaking of the breastbone necessary. That alone cuts down the recovery time.
While no one wants to have any health issues, let alone heart ones, it is comforting that we have made so many advancements in this field. The professionalism in the staff is unfathomable. They are able to be everything you need and more. All the time.
On a different note....I came in contact with three cardiologists...all male...all handsome...all married but hey if you are laying in a hospital bed it's at least nice to have something to look at that gets your heart racing.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
One Manic Hour
We over slept this morning. What a way to start the day. Three people running around like chickens with their heads cut off. One angry because I "let" him sleep in. The other angry because....well he's been angry for a week.
I manage to get the coffee maker on and throw some waffles in the toaster before both boys get downstairs. I'm pulling food out of the refrigerator for lunches...I did actually buy food yesterday...when the questions begin. Where's my homework? Where's my agenda? Do you have any money? Why did you have two kids? Now the coffee maker is on but not one drop has touched my lips and they are asking me questions. Not fun.
Faster than a speeding bullet I throw together a sandwich and some fruit for Alex. He has a toothbrush in one hand and a backpack in the other. He's actually rushing. That's a first.
Shoes are on. Hair is combed...Alex's not mine. We are ready to go. Where are the keys? Not on the hook where they should be. Not in the bowl where they might be. Where the hell are they?! In my hand of course. Remember not one drop of coffee at this point.
Finally we are in the car. The seat warmer is on and the dew has melted from the windshield. Off we go. Of course we hit every red light from here to the high school. Time keeps ticking by. Progress is slow but the school is now in sight. So is the crazy long line of parents dropping off their kids. I wait my turn and off he goes, with minutes to spare. One twelve year olds idea of a catastrophe averted.
Home we go. Still no coffee but things are looking up. Walk in the front door and what is the first thing I see? You guessed it...the lunch. Apparently putting it beside the backpack wasn't enough. He did move it to get his agenda out from underneath but it must have been too much work to actually put it inside.
The youngest is no longer grouchy. He's gotten himself ready and casually waves goodbye and off to the bus stop he goes. I didn't need to remind him about his hat, gloves or sweater. Or his lunch for that matter.
The house is quiet. No tv or radio. The only sound is the coffee maker heating up again. I can smell it brewing. Nothing smells so good at eight in the morning. It tastes even better than it smells. We've made it though another crazy morning. I sit and wonder how Mom didn't go crazy with four of us in the morning. And she didn't drink coffee!
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Food....Or Lack Thereof
Back to school after a four day weekend! This makes me happy. It is after all the small things we should appreciate. But what did I wake up to? I certainly wasn't expecting to find the fridge completely empty. Or the cupboards but that is what I found.
Every granola bar, yogurt, apple, peach, cheese string and cracker gone. No soup, can anything, cereal or juice. Half a loaf of bread and the last of the milk was all that was in the refrigerator. I was extremely happy to see that there was cream left for my coffee and even more excited that there was actually coffee left. So not a total lose for me but one for the boys.
How much food must I buy to last through the week? Obviously much more than I am buying now. They are growing boys and Alex will be a teenager in six months but come on. Last Wednesday I bought over $150 in groceries...with no meat, chicken or fish in that order. We had dinner out for two days and yesterday we ate downtown...El Furniture Warehouse in the Byward Market where all food is $4.95 and tastes good. When did they have time to eat at home?
Today, instead of the doing the laundry I let slide over the weekend, I'm headed to the grocery. I plan on buying enough food, including lunch box snacks, for a week. This might get expensive. What will our food bill be when they are both teenagers????
Saving for university won't be an issue. We will be spending their tuition on food.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Turkey Fatigue
Our family is suffering today. We have turkey fatigue. It's a real thing. Happens about twice a year. I think it's because we don't have turkey often that we over indulge on the holidays. Of course the mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing and cranberries are also contributing factors. And we won't mention the pies, cakes or appetizers that go hand in hand with entertaining.
This year we had two turkey dinners. Both times we ate too much. Both times we drank too much. Are you seeing a trend? Are you part of the trend? But the turkey stops here because....we didn't cook one! There will be no hot sandwiches or soups made. No reheating of vegetables. Some how it seems wrong.
Don't get me wrong...I loved going to friends and family for the holidays. The fact that I'm not still doing dishes is great. I didn't have to cook or make my house spotless for guests. The only down fall is the lack of leftovers. Or more to the point, I will have to cook today.
This morning on Facebook I saw a cartoon that is very fitting for most of us....remember to turn back your scale ten pounds this weekend. Perfect. I think that's what I'll do.
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Crazy Eights
Patience is a virtue, so the saying goes. I must be very virtuous with the way mine is being tested. At this rate I will be compared to Mother Teresa soon!
Every child goes through phases. The terrible two's. The tiresome three's. We've now hit the crazy eights. And not the card game.
Our days are spent waiting to see what will set off the next meltdown. Some days it's no ricekrispies. Others it's saying no to watching tv. But the meltdown will least once, every single day.
It's not pretty to watch on either side. Someone yells. Someone cries. Doors are slammed. Threats are made. Both sides are exhausted, frustrated and relieved it's over. Afterwards I wonder what we did wrong as parents. Then quickly realize the answer is we did nothing. There's nothing "wrong" with him or us. He's a kid. And he's eight. It's normal.
I bet most of us go through this. If you say you don't, well I'm sorry I don't believe you. Maybe you have selective memory. Or you are in denial. I'm not. It's horrible and awful and I wish it didn't happen but it does. And unfortunately, it will probably continue for quite a few more years with one or both of my children. That's the reality of parenting.
Today I'm thankful that I have two great kids who are happy... most of the time. Kind...most of the time. Respectful...most of the time. Loving...most of the time.
But I'm most thankful that I am patient....most of the time. Oh and wine. I'm very thankful for wine.
Saturday, 10 October 2015
It's the weekend! Funny thing to say when you aren't employed outside the home I know. But this is a special's Thanksgiving here in Canada. A weekend spent eating too much turkey, drinking too much wine and spending time with your family. Before doing all those dishes.
When I was growing up we spent every holiday with extended family. We would visit grandparents, aunts and uncles and play with our cousins. Of course we lived very close by for the most part. But no holiday was complete without a visit to someone or someone visiting us. It didn't matter how much you had eaten hours before, if you went visiting there was always room for one more desert or a small turkey sandwich.
Right after John and I got married we started moving. Every three to four years. City to city. The norm in an air force life. Only once did we ever live near family. Sort of.
You see we learned immediately what family actually means. It's the people who will stand by you no matter what. Blood and DNA is secondary. Just because you are from the same gene pool doesn't necessarily mean you will be around when I need a hand.
Our "family" has many branches. Will has spent more holidays with us then most of our siblings....compliments of geography. He is family. Thirty years of friendship puts you in a different category. When he got married, Tammy became family. See how the tree grows?
This year we are celebrating Thanksgiving with our Ottawa family. Our kids are growing up together as cousins and we laugh, cry, argue and eat just like any "related" family. We take our own childhood traditions and combine them to make our own new ones. Considering we are from the east coast and they are from Poland you can imagine the craziness that will go on.
Tomorrow or Monday...whatever day you choose to celebrate...when you look around your table, remember family comes in many different forms. You don't need to look alike, come from the same place or share any genes. What you do need is to care about each other, always.
Oh and if they don't mind doing the dishes that makes them a keeper!
Thursday, 8 October 2015
Customer Service Resuscitation
Just a little follow up to last night's entry on customer service. After a very long and painful day cleaning out my son's wasteland of a room, I decided take out was on the menu for tonight. I spent the afternoon going through dried up play dough, cars with no wheels and the occasional cheese string wrapper so there was no way I was cooking.
After a quick vote....ok John and I decided we are the adults after all .....shawarma won by a landslide. Healthy, fast and a good price. Grabbing my purse, I hop in the car and in five minutes I'm ready to order. This is a mom and pop place...even though it's their son who owns it. Almost every single person who serves you is related.
As soon as you walk in the door someone says hi. It's a small thing but it matters. You've been acknowledged. I order our food and the server is fast, friendly and very efficient....even when I mess up she doesn't change her demeanor at all. Then she moves on to the next customer. Same smile. Same patience. I'm in and out in under ten minutes including waiting in line. As fast as a drive through.
So maybe I was a little hasty last night. Maybe customer service isn't dead. It might just be in hiding some times. But not at Shawarma Chef in Orleans. It's alive and well.
Some Days
There is no harder job than being a parent. None. Not even close. Every day is a new challenge just waiting to break you. Some days are harder than others. Some kids are harder than others. It's no wonder we drink...I say we but mean me.
For those of you who don't have children let me explain. Remember, this is in very simplistic terms because I can't put it into the phrases I would one can. Imagine walking on a beautiful sandy beach. A soft breeze blowing your hair. Warm waves splashing your toes. Then out of no where a bus comes and throws the sand in your hair while soaking you with wet seaweed and running over your legs. Then as you are picking yourself up and cleaning yourself off, the sun comes out again. This is parenthood.
My wonderful eight year old is just that, wonderful. Til he's not. Lately he's been not, most of the time. When he is at home that is. At school, piano lessons and Scouts he is funny, smart and kind. Always willing to help. The poster child for happy, well mannered children everywhere. Then he walks through this front door and out comes Mr. Hyde.
I know it's a phase. We've been down this road before with our older son. I'm sure all kids go through it. But it's a tough phase and lasting way too long. Maybe more sleep will help. Less activities. More activities. Less video games. More fresh air. Who knows. All I know is there is no set answer.
You know I love my kids. I really do. I can't say I always like their behavior...or attitude....but my love never waivers. So if you see me in the near future and I'm a little bit tipsy at ten in the morning, you now know why.
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
My Banking Rant
It is with great sadness that I pass on the news to you that customer service has died. Not everywhere I'm sure just most places I seem to go to.
Take my local grocery. Prices have increased so much since January I can't even keep track. When you get to the check out...don't go too early or too late because there will not be a cashier only self-serve...they do not help you pack. Doesn't matter if you bought five items or five hundred, you are on your own. To be fair the last time I was there the young cashier did ask the elderly couple behind me if they wanted help packing. But that is rare.
Today I went to the bank. Now I never go inside. Everything I need to do can be done either on line or at the ATM. But today I needed to speak to a teller. I'm the third person in line. Two men come in behind me. Five people waiting. Two tellers. A man walks in just as one of the tellers is free and he walks right up to her counter. This is the business aisle apparently. He is chatting, they obviously know each other, and she is doing bank stuff. My line still hasn't moved. He puts all paperwork away and proceeds to tell her about his new neighbour who is a lawyer....he's talking very loudly, honest I wasn't eavesdropping.
Finally my line moves. I'm next. Some employee comes and tells me there is nothing I can't do at the instant teller. I explain what exactly I'm there for, I must admit I sounded pretty peeved even to my own ears, and that I must see a teller. He ushers me over to the desk and proceeds to do my business. When I voice my frustration about the chatty man he tells me he is a business customer. Does that make him more important I ask. We have a business line because business owners are well, busy, he explains to me. Apparently I am not. Or the five or six people who came in after me.
I'm not asking for the world. Really I'm not . I want to be treated fairly when I use a business. If mine isn't as important as someone else's let me know and I will gladly go else where. It's a big city. I have other choices. But if you treat me as if you are doing me a favour while you do your job then I will tell everyone who will listen not to use your company. Like now.
My Beloved Rick
Rick Mercer is Canada's Jon Stewart. He's funny, smart, very political and is willing to try anything...once. And personally I think cuter than Mr. Stewart.
Last night was the start of season 13! Of course this being an election year politics was the main focus. I feel bad for Rick sometimes. If something juicy happens politically in the summer he doesn't get a chance to "rant" about it. But look out because he has one more show to express his opinions about the leaders. I can't wait.
What I love love love the most about Rick, is his unwavering dedication to getting the 18-25 year olds to vote. He's got it right. They could change this country. Twenty minutes out of their day. Not much to ask. My fingers are crossed that they listen.
If you have a free half hour today, watch the show. You'll be entertained and informed all at the same time. Make it your Tuesday night routine. The Justin Trudeau escalator skit alone is worth it.
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Guess what today is? Well it's Armed Forces Day in Montenegro and Egypt. Teacher's Day in Sri Lanka. And German-American Day in the US. Those are wonderful but not what I meant.
According to travel websites today is the day to start booking Christmas and New Years travel. It won't be any cheaper, they claim, than over the next four days. So if you live far away from your family and want to surprise them over the holidays, it's time to start looking.
It's always nice to spend some time over the holidays with family. Maybe not the entire time...depending on your family...but some. I've come up with a few tips for holiday travel that might make it a tiny bit easier and much more relaxing. Maybe but don't count on it.
Tuesday is the cheapest day to travel. No idea why. It just is. Not for vacation packages, like all-inclusives, just flights. People know this but it's a weird time to start your vacation. Most people don't work on the weekend so they don't want to "waste" two free days. True, but if you are buying four plane tickets the cost difference could be over a thousand dollars. That's huge.
If given the option of regular airport screening or the body scanner, take the body scanner. It's faster and easier. People don't like it but if you only travel a few times a year you aren't getting any effect from the radiation said so on the internet so it must be true.
We have always travelled with our kids. Both were on planes before they were six months old. Keep them fed...even when they are full, eating cheerios, grapes or goldfish will occupy them. Never underestimate the value of the Dollarstore to peaceful travel. Ten dollars spent on throw away toys is money well spent. Electronics are a no brainer.
This one is very important and probably the best advice I can give you when travelling "home" for the holidays. No matter where go or who you stay with they will have a washing machine. It's true they will. And if by some crazy twist of fate they don't, they will know where one is! So pack accordingly. Your family and friends want to see you not your entire wardrobe. Remember you are getting the smallest room they have so it's you who is tripping over your cases in the middle of the night.
Today is the day. Get out your calendar. Talk to your boss. Start making your plans. You only live once....I think.
Monday, 5 October 2015
When is it time to move on? From a job or a relationship. A home or a friendship. Timing is everything. Move too quickly and you might miss out on something wonderful. Too slowly and you can be forever scarred by waiting for things to get better.
It's not easy to know when to go. You can have friends who are toxic and should never have been invited in in the first place. We've all had them and we've all waited, at least once, too long to make them go. But then people we thought were not so great turned out to be the ones who had our backs all along...we just didn't see it.
Normally we leave a relationship, end a friendship or change jobs or houses because things aren't going well. We think too much about it. Lose sleep perhaps but overall, somewhere, we know it's time to move on. That instinct in our very soul tells us to go. But do we listen? Not right away most times.
But what about when everything is ok? What happens when things are going well but another offer comes up? How do we decide what is best for ourselves? That is much more difficult. As I write this it just occurred to me that's probably how affairs get started. That's a different subject for a different day I think.
Somewhere, someone you know is contemplating leaving their spouse. Ending a friendship. Changing jobs. It could even be you. Will it be the right choice? Who knows. Fingers crossed that whoever it is has a clear head, or enough wine, to figure it out.
I heard this saying once...It'll be alright in the end. If it's not alright it's not the end.
Sounds right to me. Oh and for the record I'm not getting a divorce, selling my house or moving. John was offered a new job today. Sadly it wasn't in a European city...those of you who are aware of my House Hunters International addiction will get a laugh over that....
Life is full of choices. We make them every day. Small and large. Some with far reaching effects and others that truly mean little or nothing. It's living with those choices that people take issue with.
Before my oldest was born, we made a decision that someone would be home to take care of him. Not just the first year but for the majority of his childhood. It wasn't a difficult choice for us because financially we could do it. Lucky us. Others do not have the luxury of choice.
It did however mean we had to make sacrifices. Learning to live on one income was definitely a learning curve. Even a good income means giving up things or altering your lifestyle. But again lucky us.
Some of my friends are jealous of my being able to stay home. Others can't imagine it and would go insane if they did. Still more have found a balance that works for them and continue part time paid jobs. Before kids I couldn't imagine being home every day and now can't imagine where I would get the energy to do both!
As women we need to back each other up. No woman should ever judge another woman's choice of whether they have a paid job or a job that pays in hugs. Funny thing though...the only people who have EVER said anything negative to me about deciding to be a stay-at-home parent have been women. Not once has a man ever said anything or looked at me as if I was doing something wrong. Interesting.
Feminism is all about choice for me. Equality and choice. I've made my choice now it's my job to live with it. And hugs for a paycheck works for me.
Saturday, 3 October 2015
What would you do if you won the lottery? Pay off your debts? Obviously. Buy a nicer/bigger/better or first home? A sports car maybe? Vacation? Yes with first class tickets thank you very much.
We all dream of winning the lottery. Even though we know our chances are extremely low, we keep shelling out money week after week. Fingers crossed that this will be our lucky draw. The odds are scary... 1 in 14 million for the national Lotto 649 and 1 in 28.6 million for Lotto Max according to one site I checked. Not great but for $5 well....
The site also says that if you know anyone who has won the lottery jackpot your odds are worse. I know two winners so I guess I'm really wasting my cash. But again it's only five dollars so.....
This weekend a little town in Nova Scotia is going to make someone very happy with a Chase the Ace jackpot that is well over a million dollars! As a fundraiser for the community it has been a massive success and for the consolation winners....some of whom walked away with one or two hundred thousand dollars! You read that right. They didn't get the ace and their share was that high! Craziness.
When my aunt said she would buy any of us out-of-towners tickets I jumped at the chance. These are much better odds than the big lotteries. Even splitting any winnings with her 50/50, for a twenty dollar buy in I'm way ahead of the game. Now all I have to do is win.
So as I sit here tonight waiting for her phone call...positive thinking can't hurt...I can dream a little about how we would spend our windfall. Besides the obvious, John and I always said if we won the lotto we would stay at the Royal Suite in the Banff Springs Hotel. I wonder if they have babysitting ?
Friday, 2 October 2015
I was talking to a friend today about Christmas. Relax I'm not getting "ready" for it just chatting about "getting ready" for it. She's already got a few things bought and I jokingly said I was waiting for the extra money to start buying things. Extra money. Does that exist?
How much money would you need to have before you had "extra"? In my world someone always needs new shoes, pants, a snow suit or jacket. Every month someone needs a haircut or worse yet my grey needs to be covered. Groceries, cable, gas and hydro pretty much insure there is just enough left over to cover the on-going "I need money for school" conversation that happens every week.
Of course we have all the child expenses that keep them busy and us driving around like crazy people. Piano lessons aren't cheap. Neither is volleyball and I'm not even bringing up hockey because what is the use? At least our tutor is cheap....ish.
Don't get me wrong. Like everyone else, and our parents before us, we will figure it out and the money will come from somewhere. It always does. But I'm going to keep looking for that "extra" cash just in case. I saw a money tree at Home Depot this summer. Maybe I need to buy a couple of those.
Canada is a great country. The United States is another great country. I've spent lots of time there in the past ten years or so. We are a lot alike.
We are both kind, decent people over all. Raise our kids to be kind and respectful of others. Spend time with family and friends, play sports and celebrate birthdays and holidays together. Pay our bills, shop for groceries and fight with our spouses. We all complain about the weather and the amount of taxes we pay. Pretty much the same people in general.
When it comes to gun violence however, we are polar opposites. And I couldn't be happier about it.
Yesterday a man open-fired on a community college campus in Oregon. He killed nine people and wounded, at last count, seven more. President Barack Obama said "Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine. My response here, at this podium, ends up being routine. We've become numb to this." And sadly he's right.
This morning I was wondering why it happens there so often and no where else in the world. Especially in Canada.
Yes they have ten times the population we do. But many many countries have even more people and its a rare event. While the US has a diverse mix of cultures they are not alone in that area. Economics doesn't stand out because there are too many poorer countries, with more internal problems than the US and this isn't their "norm".
So what is the only difference that comes to mind? Guns. Pure and simple. Guns. Too easy to own. Too easy to get. Too easy. Guns.
I'm sure some of you think that's too simplistic a response. Maybe it is. But for the life of me I cannot ever imagine buying a semi-automatic rifle for my own personal safety. Or needing four hand guns, which the shooter apparently had with him yesterday, to protect my property and family. To me that's insane.
I know guns don't kill people. People kill people. I also know that most of these mass shootings are done by folks with mental health issues...another entry another day. And I also know that most of the time the guns used in these massacres were illegally obtained or converted. However....
Perhaps as a country they need to focus less on their " right to bear arms" and more on being able to go to school, church or a movie theater without being killed.
Thursday, 1 October 2015
Happy October everyone! What a great month this is going to be. I can feel it. The cooler air is coming and bringing prosperity and good health for all. My coffee must be kicking in, I'm sounding like Molly Sunshine here.
This morning we over slept. Not much but we weren't able to make the school bus. We are lucky to be a two car family so it's no biggy driving Alex to school. Til we get to school.
Why is it that school parking lots make even the best drivers in the world look like contestants on Canada's Worst Driver? It's as if in our attempt to get the kids to school on time we forget the basic rules of the road. Yes sometimes even I must be included on that list.
Picture it. Cars double parked. Triple parked. Cutting out in front of other cars. Parking behind another car without leaving any room for the other to get out. Parents getting out and helping their child out of the's high school they should be able to get out themselves!
When I leave there I have to go to the elementary school my youngest goes to. Their parking lot is worse! You can drive into a spot and within ten seconds someone will park behind you blocking you in. Of course that driver will always see someone they know and proceed to chat while you fume in your car blowing the horn. Then you look like the crazy person. It happened to a friend of mine...honest a friend. Really.
This week marks the end of the driving to school for me. Riley starts busing on Monday so I will not have to contend with this aggravation so early in the morning. Except when we over sleep. Now where is the alarm app on my phone.....
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