Thursday 15 October 2015


  Modern medicine is awe inspiring.  I am amazed at the new procedures, equipment and therapies. They seem to change every day. Especially when it comes to the heart.

  I've spent the past three days at the Heart Institute here in Ottawa. Not for myself but a relative. What we would hear about on Star Trek is no longer fiction. Lasers, ultra sounds and teeny tiny little cameras are making recoveries both faster and easier. In fact for some procedures, that I would call very invasive, you are no longer even put to sleep for. They give you something to "relax" and you can watch the monitor just like the doctors. 

  The most common procedure, a pacemaker, now can come with a defibrillator. You don't need to go to the hospital for the paddles they are right inside you. Amazing. Even by-pass surgery can now be done, in some cases, with lasers. No breaking of the breastbone necessary. That alone cuts down the recovery time.

  While no one wants to have any health issues, let alone heart ones, it is comforting that we have made so many advancements in this field. The professionalism in the staff is unfathomable. They are able to be everything you need and more. All the time.

  On a different note....I came in contact with three cardiologists...all male...all handsome...all married but hey if you are laying in a hospital bed it's at least nice to have something to look at that gets your heart racing.


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