Sunday 11 October 2015

Crazy Eights

  Patience is a virtue, so the saying goes. I must be very virtuous with the way mine is being tested. At this rate I will be compared to Mother Teresa soon!

  Every child goes through phases. The terrible two's. The tiresome three's. We've now hit the crazy eights. And not the card game.

  Our days are spent waiting to see what will set off the next meltdown. Some days it's no ricekrispies. Others it's saying no to watching tv. But the meltdown will least once, every single day. 

  It's not pretty to watch on either side. Someone yells. Someone cries. Doors are slammed. Threats are made. Both sides are exhausted, frustrated and relieved it's over. Afterwards I wonder what we did wrong as parents. Then quickly realize the answer is we did nothing. There's nothing "wrong" with him or us. He's a kid. And he's eight. It's normal. 

  I bet most of us go through this. If you say you don't, well I'm sorry I don't believe you. Maybe you have selective memory. Or you are in denial. I'm not. It's horrible and awful and I wish it didn't happen but it does. And unfortunately, it will probably continue for quite a few more years with one or both of my children. That's the reality of parenting.

  Today I'm thankful that I have two great kids who are happy... most of the time. Kind...most of the time. Respectful...most of the time. Loving...most of the time. 

  But I'm most thankful that I am patient....most of the time. Oh and wine. I'm very thankful for wine.


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