Tuesday, 6 October 2015


  Guess what today is? Well it's Armed Forces Day in Montenegro and Egypt. Teacher's Day in Sri Lanka. And German-American Day in the US. Those are wonderful but not what I meant.

  According to travel websites today is the day to start booking Christmas and New Years travel. It won't be any cheaper, they claim, than over the next four days. So if you live far away from your family and want to surprise them over the holidays, it's time to start looking.

  It's always nice to spend some time over the holidays with family. Maybe not the entire time...depending on your family...but some. I've come up with a few tips for holiday travel that might make it a tiny bit easier and much more relaxing. Maybe but don't count on it.

  Tuesday is the cheapest day to travel. No idea why. It just is. Not for vacation packages, like all-inclusives, just flights.  People know this but it's a weird time to start your vacation.  Most people don't work on the weekend so they don't want to "waste" two free days. True, but if you are buying four plane tickets the cost difference could be over a thousand dollars. That's huge.

  If given the option of regular airport screening or the body scanner, take the body scanner. It's faster and easier. People don't like it but if you only travel a few times a year you aren't getting any effect from the radiation used...it said so on the internet so it must be true.  

  We have always travelled with our kids. Both were on planes before they were six months old. Keep them fed...even when they are full, eating cheerios, grapes or goldfish will occupy them. Never underestimate the value of the Dollarstore to peaceful travel. Ten dollars spent on throw away toys is money well spent. Electronics are a no brainer.

  This one is very important and probably the best advice I can give you when travelling "home" for the holidays. No matter where go or who you stay with they will have a washing machine. It's true they will. And if by some crazy twist of fate they don't,  they will know where one is! So pack accordingly. Your family and friends want to see you not your entire wardrobe. Remember you are getting the smallest room they have so it's you who is tripping over your cases in the middle of the night.

  Today is the day. Get out your calendar. Talk to your boss. Start making your plans. You only live once....I think.


1 comment:

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

 Remember that Sex & The City episode Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda? That phrase, from season 4 episode 11,  keeps jumping into my brain whene...