Monday 5 October 2015

  Life is full of choices. We make them every day. Small and large. Some with far reaching effects and others that truly mean little or nothing. It's living with those choices that people take issue with.

  Before my oldest was born, we made a decision that someone would be home to take care of him. Not just the first year but for the majority of his childhood. It wasn't a difficult choice for us because financially we could do it. Lucky us. Others do not have the luxury of choice.

  It did however mean we had to make sacrifices. Learning to live on one income was definitely a learning curve. Even a good income means giving up things or altering your lifestyle. But again lucky us.

  Some of my friends are jealous of my being able to stay home. Others can't imagine it and would go insane if they did. Still more have found a balance that works for them and continue part time paid jobs. Before kids I couldn't imagine being home every day and now can't imagine where I would get the energy to do both!

  As women we need to back each other up. No woman should ever judge another woman's choice of whether they have a paid job or a job that pays in hugs. Funny thing though...the only people who have EVER said anything negative to me about deciding to be a stay-at-home parent have been women. Not once has a man ever said anything or looked at me as if I was doing something wrong. Interesting.

  Feminism is all about choice for me. Equality and choice. I've made my choice now it's my job to live with it. And hugs for a paycheck works for me.



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