Tuesday 13 October 2015

Food....Or Lack Thereof

  Back to school after a four day weekend! This makes me happy. It is after all the small things we should appreciate. But what did I wake up to? I certainly wasn't expecting to find the fridge completely empty. Or the cupboards but that is what I found. 

  Every granola bar, yogurt, apple, peach, cheese string and cracker gone. No soup, can anything, cereal or juice. Half a loaf of bread and the last of the milk was all that was in the refrigerator. I was extremely happy to see that there was cream left for my coffee and even more excited that there was actually coffee left. So not a total lose for me but one for the boys.

  How much food must I buy to last through the week? Obviously much more than I am buying now. They are growing boys and Alex will be a teenager in six months but come on. Last Wednesday I bought over $150 in groceries...with no meat, chicken or fish in that order. We had dinner out for two days and yesterday we ate downtown...El Furniture Warehouse in the Byward Market where all food is $4.95 and tastes good. When did they have time to eat at home?

  Today, instead of the doing the laundry I let slide over the weekend, I'm headed to the grocery. I plan on buying enough food, including lunch box snacks, for a week. This might get expensive.  What will our food bill be when they are both teenagers????

  Saving for university won't be an issue. We will be spending their tuition on food.


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