Friday 27 November 2015

How Many Times?

  Here's a riddle for you. How many phone calls to the Health Department does it take to register your child's immunizations? If you said one you are incorrect. Two perhaps...nope still wrong. Three maybe? I'll let you know this time next year.

  This is the third year I've called after receiving a very direct letter stating my child could be removed from school for lack of immunizations. On the brightest yellow paper imaginable. Every year it has the exact same information. It's as if I give them the info and they do nothing with it.

  Human error or computer glitches could explain the first year. But not last year. Or this one. I've spent waaaay too much time on hold over the past three years trying to fix this. Because you know I'm never the first caller through. Or the second. You get the idea. It's very frustrating.

  In the past three years I have phoned, faxed and snail mailed the information. Maybe there is a star beside our name and they are doing this on purpose. Ok even I'm not that paranoid. 

  I walked away from this entry's now Friday morning...because the phone rang. I was hopeful it was the health department returning my call. It was not but they did call later and the woman assured me the information was in the computer. Part of me really wants to believe her. I'll let you know this time next year.

  She did ask about chicken pox though. I forgot about that one. I'm not worried about the actual disease it's shingles down the road. Those things are nasty.



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