Tuesday 24 November 2015


  Yesterday I found gorgeous sandals on-line for my vacation. And the price! Cheap cheap cheap. I ordered one pair in two colors! Five pairs. Free shipping. Seven day delivery. Under $100!!! Can you believe it? Neither could I. Too good to be true.

  That's because it was. This company does not ship to Canada...sniff sniff. How can that possibly be in this day and age? The entire world market is at our fingertips. Til you try to get it shipped here.

  So, not wanting to get discouraged, I searched for "women's sandals Canada". That should solve my problem I thought. Many companies appeared and I started at the top. Payless. That is a store I recognize. I'll start there. They don't ship to Canada nor do they have a Canadian site I can order from..at least not one I could find so if I'm wrong please send me the address.

  Back to my search I go. Now Sears was there. And The Bay. Even DSW and Globo. They all ship here. It's not free shipping mind you. Don't get me started on the price because it's not even worth mentioning. What's a girl to do?

  I thought about shipping them to my hotel in NYC. That way I could pick them up when I arrived. But what if they didn't show in time? Or they didn't fit? Maybe the color was wrong? What then? I wouldn't want to spend part of my vacation finding a post office when I could be enjoying the sites of the Big Apple.

  Which leads me to my question...why don't they ship here? Maybe free shipping wouldn't work for them but if I'm willing to pay for the shipping costs how could that affect their bottom line? Although LL Bean ships here with free shipping around Christmas and they don't seem to be hurting. It makes no sense to me.

  I guess I'm stuck either spending three times the amount for the sandals, plus shipping, or forget about it entirely. My Miranda part of me says forget about them. But my Carrie Bradshaw part says order. 

  Carrie always wins.


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