Wednesday 25 November 2015

Sold Out

  Retail makes absolutely no sense to me. None. It's November 25 and most places haven't begun to get cold yet. Snow isn't even on the ground here. But when we went looking for snow pants you would think I was asking for a tank top!

  Two places were sold out. Ok that makes sense to me. We are a little late this year so I expected selection to be limited. But a kids store. Sold out? I asked if more were coming in and the clerk looked at me as if I had two heads. Of course not she laughed. Laughed. What was I thinking!

  Walmart had some. Not many but one medium was all I needed. Sorry everyone else. It was even a good price. They were my last hope except for the sporting goods store. It would have killed me to pay $125 or more for a pair of snow pants for one season....if I'm lucky. An eight year old grows pretty fast.

  We get home with the pretty, new snow pants to see on the weather it's going to be 8 tomorrow and 12 on Friday. Rushing for nothing it seems. Not like I'm complaining. I'm not a cold person. But now Riley is ready. 

  Let the snow begin...later. Much later.


ps....on a totally different note I had to share the great wonderful friend Janet is going to be a Grandma!!! Congrats Danielle!


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