Thursday 5 November 2015


 Look at Canada go! Did you see our new Cabinet? The diversity? Women. Lots of women. Lots and lots of women. I had goose bumps.

  I was tired, very tired, of the old boys club that seemed to rule our country. Middle aged, white men were the norm in Ottawa. But not any more. There are refugees, an astronaut, a visually impaired woman, a war hero and a Paralympic  athlete. How great is that?! Talk about diversity. Not to mention that every province and one territory are in the mix. Excellent.

  Ok ok I know what you are thinking. The press and social media are all talking about what these new ministers qualifications are. To tell you the truth, this time I don't really care. I really don't. I'm not sure anyone who gets into politics is "prepared" for the reality of it. But I do think some new faces can't hurt. Besides they can be removed quickly if they are unfit or incapable.

   Politics aside, when our new Prime Minister was asked, by a female reporter no less, "why gender equality was important in his cabinet" his answer made me very proud. Not because I'm a huge supporter of his . Not because I'm a strong liberal. But because I am a woman. His answer..."because it's 2015".

   Nothing more needs to be said.



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