Friday, 30 December 2016
Vacation Notes
Good morning everyone! Greetings from sunny Orlando! Another morning waking up to sunshine and blue skies. I love it! Even this damn cold can't take the smile off my face. Lindy, my beautiful artist neighbor, informed me that it snowed at home yesterday. Since we are here another week I'm oblivious.
Christmas Day we checked into Daytona Beach and enjoyed the ocean for a few days. I forget sometimes how much I love just sitting and looking at it for hours on end. The water was warm....ish. We did get used to it and while I can't honestly say I swam in it, John and the boys did some bogey boarding in the waves.
We arrived here in Orlando a few days ago. So far we have swam, shopped and slept. A theme park might be in the plans over the next few days but that is still under discussion. Disney Springs has changed so much since we were here last. The Marvel store was awesome. I'm such a geek sometimes.
Yesterday was my birthday and it started with a visit to the doctor. Of course travel insurance is a must and remember to call your provider before going to the clinic as it makes life an awful lot easier. I've been suffering through some cold/sinus thing and the coughing is nuts. But happily my lungs are clear, as are Riley's, and we just need to suffer through it I guess. But what a way to start your birthday!
We spent the day doing a little shopping. With the exchange things must really be a deal before I buy. While I saw plenty of things I would love to have, there weren't many things that I had to have. But today is a new day.
It's time to start the day. There is sunshine to be enjoyed.
Now where did I put my sunglasses?
Thursday, 22 December 2016
It's Finally Here!
This is it. Today is the day. Months worth of planning comes down to this day. The hours spent analyzing and preparing will result in a day of perfect execution. It's vacation packing day!
Ok so it won't go as planned. I'd bet money on it. Mostly because there wasn't much in the line of planning. Or analyzing. Or preparing for that matter. We always do this to ourselves.
In my defense though this is a busy time of year even without the extra work of vacation packing. I have bought, wrapped, shipped and delivered every single present. Every card that went out was signed by me. The tree and house were decorated by these two hands. Our party was prepared by me and I even found the energy to organize Riley's school Christmas party.
I took a second to read what I've written. It sounds.....ungrateful. I am, after all, going on vacation. I'm leaving behind the cold and snow. I won't be cooking, cleaning or making lunches for two entire weeks. No shoveling, scraping the car or wearing layers upon layers of clothes. Instead it will be all about sunscreen and which pool to swim in. Perspective.
Enough of the self's time to pack. Now where are my sandals????
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
This time of year people are at their least they want you to believe they are. We all want to give off the impression that we are ready, willing and able to enjoy this wonderful season. Not the stressed out, broke and exhausted that we really are.
No matter how hard we try we just aren't ready. Almost every single person I know will still be heading to the grocery on December 24th. And they will all be complaining about how busy it is, as if everyone else should be better prepared when they are not.
Don't kid yourself it won't only be husbands out getting last minute presents. Many folks will remember a neighbor, aunt or friend who they forgot to get "a little something" for. It's part of the season I guess. We are all equally guilty.
The kids will break something. Mess up the house. Turkeys will be overcooked and dry. Someone will drink too much and say things everyone will regret. Most will over eat. We will spend too much money on things we don't need.
The holidays, yes I said holidays relax, are not perfect. They can't be. Family and friends always lead to noise, laughter, arguments and upheaval. We all must let things roll off of us. Accept that the idea of perfection is just that... an idea.
Except on tv sitcoms!
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
20 Children
Four years ago today a twenty year old man walked into an elementary school in Sandy Hook Connecticut then shot and killed six staff members and twenty children. Twenty children. Twenty. Stop for a minute and imagine that number. Twenty six and seven year olds.
Gun violence is not uncommon in the U.S. in fact it's ever too common. And mass shootings are so common that while they still are front page news, their life cycle isn't half as long as you would think. It's as if people expect it on a regular basis.
Somehow I thought, naively, this would be different. This would be the final straw. This wasn't a shooting of adults who, while it would be awful, led full lives and experienced some of life's pleasures. These were children. Little children. Surely this was different. I was wrong.
Yes there was outrage. Lots of it. Vigils and candles. Tears and calls for reform to gun laws and stricter regulations. The result? Nothing. No changes. Congress passed no new laws. No long wait times or in-depth background checks. No changes what so ever on guns. A few states strengthened their laws but others made the laws even weaker. And the NRA said that gun free schools were bigger targets and there should be armed police at every school in the country.
I'm no expert on guns or gun control. I don't know how you keep illegal guns out of the hands of criminals. But wait times, back ground checks and banning assault rifles would be an excellent start. I'd bet money on it.
Take an extra second today to hold your child. And think about the families who cannot.
Monday, 12 December 2016
Thin Skin
I thought, hoped and even prayed, that after the U.S. election I would stop hearing about Donald Trump. Yes I know he won but every single day the rhetoric continues. He gets more coverage in Canada than our own Prime Minister!
According to his Twitter rants, every single person, news agency or country that says any teeny tiny thing against him is biased. And no good. The CIA, NBC News, CNN and SNL (Saturday Night Live) are a few he's taken issue with this past week alone.
Now SNL has some unfunny skits I'll give him that but it's guaranteed the ones about him are hilarious. It's Alec Baldwin at his very best and if he wants it to stop he has been given an your tax returns. So I guess the show will go on.
CNN commentators like Anderson Cooper and Van Jones do show their political leanings. Even without saying "I'm a democrat" you know that's exactly what they are. But they ask tough questions to all politicians. Are/Were they harder on him than others? Maybe but remember his stance on important issues that will directly affect their lives was not favorable. Yes it's their job but it still must be very difficult to listen to someone who you know for a fact dislikes a group you belong to and plans to make your life harder.
Complaining about NBC seems funny to me. Isn't that The Apprentice channel? That's biting the hand that feeds you so to speak.
Dismissing the CIA is scary. This is where most of your intel comes from. Just because you don't like the information doesn't mean you belittle the organization. They are going to be briefing you daily and you must take most, if not all, of their information as the truth. They are the "experts" on what's going on in the world outside of Trump Towers!
This man is going to be the leader of one of the most influential countries in the world. His arrogance, combined with his ignorance, will most definitely change the world. But his thin skin may be the down fall of us all.
Oh and please stop saying he will be the leader of the free world. Speaking on behalf of the free world.....we don't want him.
Friday, 9 December 2016
Privacy Please
Being a celebrity has some perks. I'm sure Beyonce doesn't wait in line at Disneyland. And there is no way Jennifer Lawrence or George Clooney are asked to leave a bar or restaurant at closing time. Private jets. Yachts. The list goes on and on. In some cases it also means special treatment within the legal system.
That's why it seemed odd to me when I saw a news article yesterday about Brad Pitts custody agreement not being kept private during divorce proceedings. How does that happen? Six kids who face enough scrutiny on a daily basis now must have the world know their most private business? That doesn't seem fair.
Every single divorce and custody agreement should be confidential. Not for the parents but for the welfare of the kids. This one will actually make the news. Imagine being 12 years old. The embarrassment would be unbelievable. So not only is your life in upheaval but all your friends, and those who aren't, know every private detail of your home life. Kids are horrible and will use it as ammunition in the years to come. Sad.
The analyst said this was a ploy on Angelina Jolie's part to have the upper hand in divorce proceedings. If that is the case shame on her. Putting your own selfishness before your kids isn't okay and would make me question whether the kids are best off in her primary custody or not. Unfortunately people forget to be adults a lot of the time when going through a divorce. Celebrity or not.
If you, or someone you know, are going through a divorce and have children, please, please, please try to stay adult about it all. Remember...this is your child's mother or father. And the kids won't thank you later for slandering them!
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
She's Making A List
With Christmas a mere 18 days away I'm feeling a little Scrooge-like. Bah humbug. Not because I don't love love love this time of year but because once again I've waited til the absolute last minutes to get most things done! And I've taken on too much. Why do I do this to myself??
This year is a little different because we are heading out on a two week vacation a few days before Christmas. That means I need to be even more organized than I already am....which is not at all!
So today I have made a list. Checked it twice. And will not consider the day a success if it's not completed. What is on my list you may wonder? Mail the three boxes of presents I have ready and all the cards. Bring the decoration boxes downstairs. Go to the grocery. See it's a do-able list.
As long as I don't get distracted! I'll let you know.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Parenting Woes
Man this parenting thing is hard! Harder than anything else I've ever done. And so very easy to get wrong. No matter how hard we try we always get something wrong.
Alex is a teenager and with that comes it's share of angst, screaming, tears and slamming doors. I know that. We all know that. But we aren't ready for it. How can you possibly be ready for it?? That cute little face that used to look at you with all the love in the world now believes you have no clue what pain and suffering they go through. And you don't.
As adults we can't possibly know how hard it is for kids today. We can remember how difficult it was for us but it's different now. It's their experience not ours. In many ways it is worse! Far worse. Social media has changed the very definition of bullying and public shame.
My child, yours, every child will go through something. They want us to fix "it", whatever "it" is at the moment. Especially when they say we can't. But the hard truth is we can't fix everything. No matter how much we may want to. And we need to accept that. Right now. That's a hard life lesson for an adult.
I will admit I'm having growing pains. Each and every day is a challenge I'm not fully prepared for. Neither is John. Joined together as a united front we still aren't prepared.
Truthfully none of us are. Like Dory says..."just keep swimming swimming"
Thursday, 1 December 2016
At 5:30 this morning I was half way through my first coffee and had caught the overnight head lines on the news. I turned to John, who was eating protein pancakes, and asked a very serious many more days til vacation?
It's December so we are in the home stretch for both the holiday season AND our family vacation! That means we, ok really just me, need to get ourselves organized and accomplish something. And fast.
Yesterday I went shopping. No success. I found lots of things I would like but little or nothing for the actual people I was shopping for. Isn't that always the case? I could have spent my entire holiday shopping budget on me in two stores or less. I'm finding it hard to buy for the grandparents who want absolutely nothing! Their words not mine.
Today I will try again but maybe on-line. I'm waiting for a few orders right now that are happily stuck at the border. Plus Alex's passport still hasn't arrived so I should hang around for the FedEx truck.
The "locals" are easy to buy for. Honestly they can wait. It's those gifts that need to be in the mail I'm panicking a little about. My disorganized life comes back to bite me in the ass every year at this time. With no one to blame but myself.
Oh well time to make good on my promise to myself.....wish me luck.
Monday, 28 November 2016
Politically Incorrect
PM Trudeau is taking a hit in the press for his somewhat glowing eulogy for Fidel Castro, who died over the weekend. I can see their point. It was quite nice. Maybe he was going for that old adage about not speaking ill of the dead. Who knows.
Then I saw and heard the commentary about President Obama's public response. He was taken to task as well for not being hard enough. Personally I didn't see anything wrong with his comments.
Keep in mind the people of Cuba are still under a dictatorship. Raul is alive and well and firmly in control of the country. Canada has never cut ties with the country. Many Canadians travel there every year. And are treated as royalty I might add. So what exactly should our PM have said?
Fidel Castro was a dictator. Period. He was responsible for many deaths. He restricted the freedoms of the people and imprisoned them for perceived dissent. Absolutely. Everyone knows those facts. But in the world of politics and diplomacy you can't say that. There is no polite way to.
If Canada is to continue to have good relations with Cuba then we need to be diplomatic and politically correct. Maybe just a little less "nice Canadian" next time around.
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Defending Baron and Kanye
Anyone who knows me, or reads this, knows I'm not a Donald Trump or Kanye West fan. In fact both make me very angry. They are rude, smug, arrogant and if I had to pick one word to best describe them it would be "jackass". However...this week I find myself defending them. Who would have thunk it??
Rosie O'Donnell crossed a line this past week. We all know about the history she has with Trump. He has called her some nasty names and they have engaged in a war of tweets for a few years now. Until now I would have defended her but not anymore. She made some comments about his son perhaps being autistic. This is a big, huge no-no.
Say what you want about the Dad. Even the wife and adult kids. They are putting themselves in the lime light and as adults, can defend their own opinions and thoughts. Baron is a child of ten. My son's age. Leave him alone. Don't mention his name. Don't talk about his likes, dislikes or what subjects he is good at in school. Leave him alone.
His father ran for President. He had no say in it. None what-so-ever. He has no opinions on healthcare, no policy ideas, no thoughts on foreign affairs. Let him go about the business of being a kid. In private. Oh and don't surmise what he thinks about his's his Dad. He thinks he is a super hero. Just like he should. Like every kid should.
Kanye....what can I say. He is having some mental health issues. Leave him alone. He is getting much needed help. Give him the space to heal. Let him, and his family, put their lives back together with the privacy you would want and expect. Mental illness is the same as cancer, diabetes or one asks for it or deserves it.
No matter how much we dislike a person.....leave the kids and those with mental illness alone.
It's the Holidays! 🎄
It's officially the holiday season!!!! Yes I said holiday...time for all the Christians of the world to realize there are others who celebrate this time of year too. The season translates to eating more, drinking more, entertaining more and spending more. And more isn't always better.
This time of year begins my "Martha Stewart" dream world. As someone who has no interest in cooking 11 months out of the year, I'm always shocked that I'm on Pintrest trying to find recipes. "Pinning" them as if I really am going to make them! Talk about not being self-aware. Maybe this year will be different. Don't bet on it.
Over the next three short weeks, we are seeing A Christmas Carol, Riley's school party....which I'm organizing, a 20+ person holiday dinner...which I'm cooking, my book club...which might be here, and a birthday party. Add in all the regular activities and we are one busy family!
There are still presents to buy then wrap. Boxes to ship. Cards to sign and mail. The final bits of decorating to do. It's tiring just thinking about it all.
It will all get done. It always does. We will eat too much. Drink too much. Stay out too late. And spend too much. So will all of you. After all...tis the season.
Let the festivities begin!
Thursday, 24 November 2016
For me, the best part of Christmas decorating is the memories it brings back. After hauling way too many boxes, that are way too heavy, up way too many stairs, it's nice to take each precious item out and remember it's significance. And boy do we have some great memories!
We have a Christmas house that plays music. I remember buying it from a jewelry store in Halifax for $45....29 years ago!! It was a huge extravagance for us and the first real decoration we bought together. I look at it now and wonder what were we thinking but it's still displayed with pride every year.
There are four ornaments for the tree that belonged to my Grandmother. They are probably sixty years old. Very fragile and very dirty but they can't be cleaned because the last bit of sparkle will come off. They are irreplaceable.
Over the years the kids have made decorations at school and they all hang with pride on the tree. It's funny to see how much they have changed as most of them have their picture on it. They are growing so fast.
Everywhere we travel, as a family or alone, we get an ornament. Those all have stories that go with them and we laugh at some crazy memory from the trip. Now the kids tell us the anecdotes and we smile knowing they will always remember our adventures. That's a true Christmas blessing.
Take a few minutes as you begin to prepare your home for the holidays to think about past festivities. Those memories will start the celebration for you.
Monday, 21 November 2016
How Rude!
My friend Lew teaches etiquette for a living. In the workplace, at school, even for social situations. It's a thriving business with affiliates in many countries. Over this past weekend I found some new clients for her. Lots of clients.
Client number one, Kanye West, who had a "concert" in Sacramento on Saturday. He was an hour late, sang just three songs, went on a 17 minute rant about not voting, supporting Trump and bashing Beyonce then walked off the stage. What??? That's not a concert that's a late night talk show. He has a sense of self-importance that is off the charts. Imagine those folks who paid $250 for that privilege!
Always on the "in need of some civility" list, Donald Trump went back to his old ways on Twitter. He was ranting about SNL being unfair and one-sided. Then demanding the cast of Hamilton apologize to Mike Pence over comments made to him at a performance this past week. Several rather non-presidential tweets. God help who ever is going to have to monitor his social media presence.
Closer to home, another client would have to be the hockey parents I encountered this weekend at Riley's tournament. OMG! Screaming at the kids....both their own and the other team. Celebrating as if this was the Stanley Cup finals and not a C level game even when the score was 6-0. Laughing at nine and ten year olds who miss the puck. Heckling the other parents. Seriously what an example.
We seem to be sliding down a slippery slope where we forget how to be decent and kind. That other people matter just as much as we do. That civility says more about us than others.
Remember...if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Words to live by.
***check out Lew's website at ***
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Money = Happiness?
Does money buy happiness? People who have little would say yes. Those who have lots say no. I think they are both right.
If I didn't have to worry about doing laundry or vacuuming I'd be happier and with money I would most definitely have a service. Buying groceries would definitely be easier....oh wait i could hire someone to buy them for me so yes I'd be happier. Then someone to cook them when I was hungry. Really all the mundane things in my life would be easier and that would definitely make me happier.
John would be able to fully retire and spending more time with him would make me happier. Not worrying about mortgages, hydro bills and car repairs would take a lot of stress out of my life thereby making me happier. Going on exotic vacations would make me extremely happy especially with the extra leg room and comfort of first class.
As I read what I wrote I'm seeing a trend. Everything I mentioned, except for spending time with John, was stress related. Bills, housework, budgets. Perhaps moneys greatest gift is relieving some of the stress of day to day life. Cooking when you want to not because there is no alternative. Going to see a movie even though the gas bill was high this month. Not worrying about how much it will cost to ship your Christmas parcels to family far away. The little things.
Maybe, just maybe, it can buy some happiness but not bliss. Contentment but not joy. Hopefully one day we will all know the answer.
Now where did I put that lottery ticket......
Cough cough cough
It's 3:05. It's cold and dark out. Nothing is moving on my street. Too early even for the newspaper delivery. Not a car has driven past in almost an hour. And I'm awake. And coughing. And coughing. And coughing and coughing.
I feel better. Much better. No headache from sinus pressure. My throat no longer hurts. Where did this cough come from? It's never kept me from sleeping but now as soon as my head hits the pillow it begins. Yesterday my neighbor was complaining she has the 100 day cough. Hopefully this isn't the same thing!
John gets up at 5 so he needs to sleep. The kids have school and they will be grouchy if they don't sleep. So I decided to come downstairs and let them sleep. Hoping that I could fall back asleep sitting up in the chair. That plan didn't work.
I coughed my way through Trevor Noah. Watched an episode of Law & Order UK with the fabulous Bradley Walsh who I've loved for years. Filled out Alex's ski club papers. Read through my twitter feed. Cleaned the island. I want to go to bed....but not to lay there and cough.
My voice is back to normal. Yes I spoke just to hear how it sounds. Don't pretend you haven't done that. I could call someone I suppose. Who would take a three in the morning call from me besides Tom? Truthfully no one.
Fifteen minutes have passed. My feet are freezing on this tile...note to self let's look at the price of radiant floor heating. I've got a headache starting from the coughing. Tylenol should soon be kicking in. I'm taking some water and my bag of lozenges and heading back to bed.
Wish me luck.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Education Equals? Nope!
Education is supposed to be the great equalizer. No matter where you live in this wonderful country of ours, each and every child has access to a free, quality education. Whether you are in rural Brooks Alberta, downtown Toronto or suburban Cole Harbor Nova Scotia, your education is supposed to be of the same high standards. And for the most part it is. But not everyone it seems, are entitled to the same experiences.
Here in Ottawa we have "art" schools and "sports" schools. Those that put high emphases on those subjects while still doling out the three R's. More money is spent on plays, costumes, vocal instruction than the average school. Cash flows for basketball, training, conditioning and such. Both are great to have and in a city of a million people, very popular.
But what if you live in a rural area. Where you can't change schools because there isn't another one to choose from. Perhaps there isn't even a drama teacher at said school. Or enough resources to have a lacrosse team, girls hockey team or an in-school workout area. The reality is those kids do not get the same opportunities.
What about paying for gym? Is it now the normal to pay for phys. ed? We've paid a $25 physical education course fee the past two years for Alex. That is above and beyond his student fee of $30. It never occurred to me that I would have to pay a gym fee....what does that go for?
But my biggest beef is the extra money given to french schools here for language instruction. Don't know what the hell that means in a french school. Is there extra money given for Mandarin? Or Inuktitun? It makes no sense to me. And so far no one who is "in the know" can explain it properly. Trust me I spoke to many people on the subject just this morning.
Sadly I must admit defeat and change my way of thinking. Education is not the great equalizer I grew up knowing. Opportunities are not the same. Range of study is not open to everyone. Our children may have all been born equal but they won't apply to university as equals.
And that is very sad indeed.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
I've heard repeatedly this week that Donald Trump needs to apologize for the comments he made during the U.S. election. You know the ones....racists, murderers, bleeding, Miss Housekeeping, walls, and on and on and on. That this would be a huge step in the process of bringing the country together. But would it?
We teach our kids that words damage people and that sometimes even if you say sorry it's not enough. The person might not forgive you. You might lose their friendship and/or trust. Does that same truth not apply to so called "celebrities"? Are there no consequences?
Well obviously not because he is going to be the next president. But can an apology really change anyone's opinion of him? I have had arguments with lots of people over the years while bartending. Of every color, religion and ethnicity. Not once did I ever use a racial, religious or cultural slur when confronted with angry, disgruntled people. Never. Nor did anyone I ever worked with. Ever. It's not who I am.
There is a saying I love "When someone shows you who they are believe them!". If someone automatically goes for the bigoted comment, that's who they are, a bigot. If someone uses racist jargon, that's who they are, a racist. If someone says disgusting, spiteful comments about women, they are misogynistic. Believe them.
Donald Trump is the man he appeared to be during the election. He is everything we tell our children not to be. No amount of apologizing will change that. Especially when it is a paid lackey who is telling him to do it. There would be no sincerity in his words.
If it makes you feel better to have him give an insincere apology well....remember that the next time someone says those things about you.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
I love Chris Rock! He is my favorite comedian. Smart humor is how I would describe his style. A thinking persons jokes. He is both realistic and incensed all in the same breath. Last night he was on Saturday Night Live and nailed an election night skit. Nailed it. It showed white people's naivety and black people's knowledge of how their country works. And he wasn't even the star!
Dave Chappelle was the host and he was funny. I read that some places censored his monologue which was peppered to say the least. He's not a Trump fan as you can imagine. He did however apologize to Lorne Michaels but I'm pretty sure Lorne was ok with it. It was spot on and funny. Great combination.
Comedians are going to have a field day with this new president and his very thin skin. There is a world of comedy at their finger tips. He will blunder his way through four years and late night talk show hosts will be the real winners. I can hear Trevor Noah from here.
John Stewart retired too soon!
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Alex passed his cold off to me. Thanks. Very kind of you. Which explains why I'm sitting here wide awake for the past two hours. Last night was tough with the sinus pressure, so for now, I'm ok with sitting up.
Since everyone else is asleep I've been staying quiet. I watched two episodes of Will & Grace, which made it very difficult to not laugh out loud. A few minutes of several home improvement shows. Channel surfing. But it's still only 4:30.
I can't turn the heat up and it's quite chilly. The heat aggravates my sinuses. I would like some socks. Or slippers. Maybe Santa will bring me some. But for now I'll suffer through.
The Blacklist is playing in the background. My favorite addiction. I've had a tea and some soup. Blown my nose countless times. Washed my hands even more. Time to find more medicine.
I hate being sick.
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Congratulations people of the United States! You have shown the world your true colors. And orange is your color of choice.
You have chosen a leader who, by his own words, disrespects women, veterans, people of color, Muslims, immigrants, Mexicans and anyone who doesn't agree with him.
He attacks at the slightest of provocations. Going after his perceived enemy with the nastiness of a twelve year old school yard bully. His choice of words is cruel and intentionally hateful. He is dismissive and arrogant. He is everything we tell our children not to be.
Your soon-to-be leader scares the democratic world. He is loved by Putin and feared by your allies. That should scare you. Apparently it doesn't. ISIS leaders are laughing their asses off. That should scare you. Apparently it doesn't. I'm sure in the very near future it will. Damn sure.
Today the world must start to pick up the pieces from the fire storm you have inflicted on us. Just like the housing/banking crisis that crippled most of the world, we yet again, must deal with a plummeting stock market, global uncertainty and economic upheaval....over your choices. The entire world suffers because you picked a leader based on bigotry and fear instead of policy.
You have gone from a dignified, respectful, competent leader to a racist, bigoted, misogynistic, loudmouthed bully. Congrats.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Election Day
I wasn't sure we would live through it! It's been a long road filled with bombs, guerrilla warfare and internet recruiting. But we survived. It's election day in the U.S.! Finally!!!!
I'm not sure about the rest of the world but in Canada we have heard waaaaaay too much about an election we have no say in! Every single news agency is bombarding us with coverage. And while I don't normally speak for the country I will now. We are tired of it! Enough. Vote and put the rest of us out of our misery!
Who ever wins, the first executive order they make should be to shorten this process about 18 months! At least. Just imagine what all that wasted money could have been used for? How many schools could have a free lunch program just from that? Mind-boggling.
Go vote citizens of the United States. Flex your democratic muscles. Maybe then the news agencies will focus on the real issues of the world.
Fingers crossed the world wakes up to a female President. Not an orange one.
Monday, 7 November 2016
I told myself I wouldn't do it. That this year I would let the "disrespectful" comments go in one ear and out the other. I told myself that everyone has a right to their own opinion no matter how much I disagree with them. Still taking all of that into account..... here I go.
Remembrance Day is November 11. This Friday. A day when we as a nation, show our respect for those who never came home from war, those who did and those who serve our country today. It is a privilege and an honor to show these brave men and women our thanks for their sacrifices. Sadly every year the number of people who show up at these services are less and less.
Over the past few years, in the news, on social media and in public places, people are talking about how disrespectful it is to put up Christmas decorations before Friday. Perhaps if it was Veterans or serving military members who were saying this I would be more inclined to agree. They are not. It's people who have never served who seem to have the biggest problems with it.
My husband was gone to Afghanistan over Christmas in 2001. He left with no return date. No idea what was in store for him. His country said this was where he needed to be so that's where he was going. The last thing he was made to do before leaving was to up-date his will. That is an eye opener let me tell you.
Through out the years he has missed birthdays, weddings, funerals, anniversaries, holidays and more family time than I care to remember. He has been held at gunpoint and helped take plane wreckage out of the ocean. He has foot, back, knee and hearing problems due 100% to his job.
One would think after doing all of those things our government would take care of him. With out any issues or fuss. That's not the case though. We have been relatively well treated by Veteran's Affairs. And when John felt he hadn't been he fought the system and always came out with the result he wanted in the first place. But he is in the minority.
Too many Veteran's don't get the assistance they need. From healthcare and transportation to housecleaning and yard services, some vets are not getting even the basic care they rightfully deserve. That is disrespectful. Ninety year old WW11 veterans are told to apply for programs on line. That is disrespectful. Claims being denied because of minor spelling errors. That is disrespectful. Veterans who are living in squalor. That is disrespectful.
I can go on and on about the way our Veteran's are treated on a daily basis. But most people don't want to hear that. They want to complain about Christmas decorations. My friend Sandra just got a Christmas tree removed from a liquor store in her home town citing that it was disrespectful. While I don't agree with her on the respect factor, she does however get a pat on the back from me because she volunteers with a PTSD support group. She has written her MP's and complained about the treatment of veterans throughout the entire year. She is fighting the battle on many fronts. And for that I applaud her.
Maybe if everyone who is worried about decorations followed her lead we could force our government to make the sweeping changes needed so that every veteran is treated with dignity and respect 365 days of the year.
Not just on November 11.
On-Line Shopping
On-line shopping is the greatest thing ever! More stores than any mall can handle. Every single thing you could ever want is at your finger tips. And with a click of the mouse you can have it delivered to your door. You never have to get out of your pajamas!
It's by far the easiest way to shop for the holidays. And I don't just mean presents. Decorations, tableware and food can all be delivered. Need wrapping paper and tape? Monogrammed stockings? Gift cards, wreaths and well everything. All dropped off on your front step. Most likely by a UPS driver still wearing shorts.
You can even splurge and have it wrapped and delivered to the recipients home! How's that for convenient? No more carrying boxes into the local Canada Post office and paying through the nose for shipping. Freedom.
But all this convenience comes with a price tag. Most people, myself included, over spend this way. It's worth the extra few bucks to not have to battle the crowds. That's what I keep telling myself. And to a certain extent it's true. However if I normally spend $50 on your present and all of a sudden I've spent $150, I should have left the house and stayed on budget.
Last night I spent some time browsing Macy's site. The actual store isn't here but they do ship to Canada and you can pay in Canadian funds. Perfect. The selection is different. So much so that I put 6 items in my cart within a few minutes. For a grand total I don't care to reveal. Let's just say I quickly left that site after dumping my cart.
If you haven't tried it I highly recommend it. If you are an old hand at it remember don't go crazy this holiday season.
Unless you are buying for me!
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Daylight Savings Time Ramblings
Daylight Savings Time (DST) starts today. In November we "fall back" an hour. In the spring we "spring ahead". I'm not sure why. Maybe it had to do with farming a long time ago. If it did then why doesn't Saskatchewan do it? Or is it just the government trying to drive us crazy?
This DST is why I am up at such an ungodly hour. And have been for over an hour. Making lemonade out of lemons, it has given me a chance to skim the headlines and drink my coffee in peace. For that I guess I should be thankful.
I saw a story about how to make your home "almost" maintenance free. I didn't need to read that one. I already know. Rent. Then you are 100% maintenance free! I made myself laugh at that one.
Michael Buble's three year old son has cancer. I can't even imagine. Cancer is a scary word and to have it used with a child is heartbreaking. My heart breaks for all of them. Truly.
Friday is Remembrance Day and people are up in arms about Christmas decorations and it being disrespectful to Veterans. This isn't coming from Veteran's groups mind you. Private citizens are outraged. I wonder if their outrage will propel them to a cenotaph on November 11?
A Florida woman is disputing a $7400 charge for a delivery room when she had her baby in April. Why? She had the baby in the back of her jeep in the hospital parking lot! She is ok with the charges for the mid-wife and nurses. But since she was never in a delivery room why would she be charged for it? Sounds like a valid dispute to me.
Well the sun is now rising. I can hear feet upstairs. Maybe even the tv. It's time to begin the day. Fingers crossed it's a great one.
The first thing I need to do is change every damn clock in the house!
Friday, 4 November 2016
Morning Sunshine!
I've never claimed to be a morning person. I don't jump out of bed with tons of energy. You could say I crawl but maybe slither is a better description. Finding my glasses is the equivalent of finding Blackbeard's buried treasure most mornings. Even though they have their own rooms, something of the kids is always on the floor in my direct path to the bathroom. And it's always sharp to the foot. Always.
By the time I struggle downstairs, holding the railing as if I'm 100 years old, my eyes are starting to open. Sadly as soon as my feet hit those cold entry way tiles they are wide open. But somewhere in my head I know the coffee maker is only a few short feet away and that gives me the strength to keep going.
The reusable coffee filter has last nights grounds in it. Damn you John. I clean it out while mumbling under my breath about being the only one who ever does anything around here. Finally it's clean, full and ready to brew.
Eureka there is a clean mug! I can hear it brewing. I can see the steam. I can smell the aroma. As it's streaming into my Disney Cruise-line mug, it makes me happy in the morning, I add the perfect amount of sugar. As I grab the cream out of the fridge the coffee maker quiets. Yes it's done! In goes the cream.....ahhhh.
That's when I notice the egg whites in my hand. Who decided that the egg white container should look exactly like the cream container?? That person, or persons, needs to be fired. Same size. Same weight. Same shades of blue. What the hell?? And who put them on the same shelf in the fridge????
I think it was me. It's gonna be a long day.
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Equal? Nope.
Like most of you I was raised to believe that I was no better, or worse for that matter, than anyone else. Rich, poor, white, black...the only thing that did matter was what kind of person you were. The phrase "All men were created equal" was lived in our home. But I've come to learn, as an adult, that this simply isn't true.
If you are black and poor in the southern United States you are not equal. Hurricane Katrina showed the world that. As does the ever increasing amount of shootings of unarmed black men by police.
In Europe being of middle eastern descent is a mark against you. Children living in refugee camps, without proper conditions, for years are forgotten about. And if you are a single male well forget it. No one wants you. You are labelled as a possible terrorist and staying right where you are.
Canada is no better. We treat our indigenous people like a burden. "They" are lazy. "They" don't want to work. "They" need to become just like us. Once you are labelled good luck trying to get that out of most people's minds.
Hell "we" don't even try to hide it. There are native communities that don't have clean, drinkable water in their homes. Yes there is running water....but it's brown. Drinkable....yes....but it's brown. Can you imagine pouring yourself a nice cold glass of brown water, adding your brown ice cubes to it and then sitting down to dinner? Of course not! But as a white person in Canada that's never going to happen to you.
Now the federal government said just over a month ago that they will begin shortly a new treatment facility to remove the iron and manganese from the water on a reserve in Cape Breton Nova Scotia. No details have followed. The residents are still unable to bath, drink, cook or clean. Water is being shipped in. And portable laundry facilities are on site. But you have to get up, get dressed and drive somewhere to take a shower. That's convenient.
Canada has more than enough clean, drinking water yet our own people don't have any. Would this happen in a white community? Maybe but trust me it would be short term. Very short.
Remember how equal you are today...especially when you turn on your faucet.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Operation Shenanigans
What a weekend! My "book club" took a road trip this weekend to visit a member who moved. Then as an added special bonus another past member flew in to join us! The old gang was together again and it was like old times.
I can't tell you what we talked about. We are like Las Vegas that way. What happens at book club stays in book club. Let's leave it at subject was off limits or untouched.
Coming from different walks of life, careers and circumstances, we blend together as a group so easily it's scary. We disagree on many issues. We are all over the map when it comes to parenting. But we share a respect and love for each other that lets us express our opinions and thoughts without fear. That is real friendship.
We laughed at each other and ourselves. We complained about our spouses, children and jobs. We praised, listened and supported. For 18 hours we were a well oiled machine that could solve every problem in the world.
Women are the backbone of society. We are more balanced, calm and understanding than our male counterparts. We are more thoughtful and less reactive. We can take, and give, advice. Without a doubt the world would be a much better place if women ran it.
One thing I am 100% sure of after this weekend....we can function on little or no sleep!
Thursday, 27 October 2016
My Book!
Yesterday I told my kids I was going to write a book. Both seemed happy and supportive....til I told them the title. "I Want To Give Back The Children" did not go over well. Somehow they took that as an insult.
Like most parents there are times when I long for the good old days before kids. You remember those days. We could sleep in. Stay up late. We had money. You didn't have to cut up someone's meat. Good times.
Now I referee more often than not. Our fridge is constantly empty and the sink constantly full. Laundry is a swear word and socks can sometimes be worn more than one day. Towels disappear but come back from the beyond when Alex cleans out his room.
I thought my days of homework were over when I finished school. Wrong. Now I'm doing new "new math" with as much success as I did the first time around. Translation...badly. Eight forty five dashes to Staples for poster board has become the norm.
My parenting guru Janet says one day I will miss the chaos and noise. That at some point the house will be too peaceful and quiet. I'm not looking for long term peace....just a few minutes a day when we are all at home.
Of course I don't really want to give them back....well not permanently anyway!
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
When it comes to politics people have short memories. Very short. Whatever party you like can do no wrong and the others can do no right. And when the other party gets into power....history rewrites itself.
The Conservative party was in power for over 9 years. Over that time they made some good choices for the country. But they also made bad ones too. No one can believe PM Harper did anything intentionally to hurt the country. In the eyes of many though, he did.
Now we have a Liberal government. After only one year, PM Trudeau is being heralded as a great leader by his supporters. Not surprisingly, as a failure by those who aren't. Such is the life of politicians.
John Lydgate said "You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." That sums up politics perfectly I think.
However much you dislike this Prime Minister, or the previous ones, we do owe that office respect. We are lucky to have the systems in place for honest, open elections where we can fire one leader and hire another.
Besides no matter what your personal opinion of PM Trudeau or PM Harper I think we can all agree they are both much, much, MUCH better than Donald Trump.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Send In The Clowns
With Halloween less than a week away I thought it was time to talk about those "clowns" we keep hearing about. For those of you not in the know....people are getting dressed up as clowns and scaring the pants off of folks. So far this has been reported in many parts of the world. Quite a few here in Canada.
Some incidents are on dark, deserted roads late at night. Others are happening to people walking in the evenings. Some are even knocking on people's doors and peeking in windows. WTH???
How or why this fad started is beyond me. Why no one has been killed yet is an even bigger mystery. After all there is no telling what the intent is of the clown OR the reaction of the person that has been scared.
Just in case there is any doubt....if you are dressed as a clown and jump out at me as I'm driving, the chances are extremely high that my foot will go to the gas not the brake. A knee jerk reaction if you will. One I'm sure most drivers will experience. And I'm also sure not a court in the country would convict me for running you over.
Life has consequences. Lots of them. Being an idiot and trying to scare people might have more than you expected. This is not a joke.
No one finds this funny.
Friday, 21 October 2016
It's raining this morning. That cold, fall rain. The kind that means a sweater, scarf and jacket. It chills you right to the bone. I think it's because we are still in denial that summer is over.
Alex still left for school in shorts. He swore he had gym first class and will change into his pants afterwards. I heard the same thing yesterday and he arrived home still in those same shorts. Probably today too.
Riley, on the other extreme, wore a hat, gloves, jacket and his woolly pajamas. He was not taking any chances on being cold. Or wet since he also took an umbrella.
I want to turn on the heat. I really do but....once it goes on you can never go back. The first morning you touch that button you have made a statement....I'm choosing to believe winter is here. I'm not quite there yet. My Dad used to tell us to "think warm". It could become my phrase of the week.
Maybe next week I'll be ready. I doubt it but you never know. What I know right now is I need to find a sweater.
And maybe some gloves.
Monday, 17 October 2016
Alex accused me this morning of not knowing what it's like to be a teenager and hate school. No amount of words on my part could make him believe that in fact I do. But yes I do. I remember all too well.
Turning 13, starting high school, everything different and everyone new. Yup I remember it all. The fear and anxiety. Will I fit in? Will I make friends? Will I pass my classes? We've all been there. Unfortunately our kids can't see that.
I can't blame him for disliking school. He's up at 6:00, on the bus at 7:15. From 8:00 til 2:00 he's sitting and listening. Not talking with friends or playing on his phone. Quietly taking notes while teachers drone on about subjects he might not understand or have any interest in. Not to mention homework. It's tough.
But it's also his job. Right now that is where he needs to be. Doing what he needs to be doing. And while I wish it was more engaging for him, this is the real world. School isn't always fun. It isn't all bad either though. Today it might be hard to get him to see that.
I'm his teacher 365 days out of the year. Today I must teach him it's life. We all get through it.
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Early Night
John drove 560 Alex was at a Scouts camp ninety minutes away. Of course when we said yes to the camp we didn't realize it was that far. Then no sooner did he get home then a quick lunch and off to Riley's hockey game. That was an hour away. Way too much time in a car on a Sunday afternoon.
Luckily, for me, I got to stay home out of the rain. Nice and dry with old movies on in the background. Some how folding laundry doesn't seem so bad when Mrs. Doubtfire's with me. Too bad she couldn't put it away!
Our weekends seem to rush by lately. Too many things to do. Not enough time. I guess it's the after summer rush to get the outside ready for winter. Not to mention all the activities are up and running again. We made an agreement a few years ago that the weekends would be free. I guess that's not applying this year.
It's now 9:00. The entire house is quiet. Everyone is asleep except for me. I can hear the clock ticking. The ice machine taking in water. The settling noises of the house. I can hear myself think.
I just told myself to get an early night too.....I'm so smart.
Friday, 14 October 2016
It Costs How Much????
This fall Riley started playing hockey. As "Canada's game" many kids play. It consumes any free time we might possibly have. It is every weekend and at least one night during the week. I was unaware of the time commitment. Oh I knew it would take some time but this is craziness. And before all you hockey parents condemn me...don't waste your limited time.
But this is not about time. Or the driving. Fundraising. Relentless emails. Nope it's about the cost of hockey. Not from my mouth but from arguably the greatest hockey player of all time #99 Wayne Gretzky.
He very honestly says his Dad borrowed money to buy him skates or a stick. And questions whether he would even be able to afford to play now. I personally am blown away at the amount of money we have spent in the past 30 days alone. We are sitting at $650.00...not including equipment!
Our child is lucky...we can afford it. Many families, who's kids really want to play, simply can't come up with that much money. And what if you have two or even three kids? How do you decide who plays and who doesn't? And is there any money left for activities for the other kids? Or even time? It is very much an elitist sport.
After listening to the interview I wondered to myself how many "Great Ones" never got the chance to play based on finances? How many "Super Mario's" never stepped on the ice because their parents chose groceries over hockey dues? How many "___ the Kid" there could have been had their folks been in a higher tax bracket? I guess we will never know.
For now I will be thankful that our children have all the opportunities available. And feel disappointed for those who don't.
***For you non-hockey fans Wayne Gretzky was called "the Great One". Mario Lemieux was "Super Mario". And Sydney Crosby was "Sid the Kid" 29 I think it's time they stopped using that ;)***
Thursday, 13 October 2016
In Other News
While it seems that everyone is talking about Donald Trump, there are actually other things going on in the world. Not just this one particular train wreck. Things not necessarily as bizarre or interesting but happenings we should be aware of.
Twenty one of the 276 Chibok school girls, who were abducted by Islamic extremist group Boko Haram in 2014, have been released through negotiations. That leaves approximately 197 girls who are still in the terrorists hands. Most have been forced to marry, many are pregnant and some have already given birth. The horror these girls have endured is unfathomable. But we still must take heart that the Nigerian government is making some it ever so slow.
Haiti is getting some much needed food, water and medicine. That country always seems to be rebuilding. I'm not sure why but it seems as if they are also the last to receive real help. And interest in helping them seems to wan pretty quickly. Is it because they aren't a "tourist spot"? Boy I hope not.
Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature! Who saw that coming? He did write a novel and a book of poetry a long while back but this was based on his song lyrics. While I wouldn't put him in the same category as Yeats, Hemingway or Faulkner, all previous winners, his songs are very good. Congrats Mr. Dylan! Don't spend those 8 million kronor in one place!
CoverGirl has a CoverBoy! The company announced that 17 year old makeup artist, James Charles, is their next cover model. For a mascara no less. Yes you sense bitterness in my words. Males always have better lashes then women! It's so unfair.
See?? The world hasn't stopped turning just because Donald is imploding. The news channels just want us to think so.
They are very good at it too!
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Money Woes
Last night I went to my son's schools Parent Council meeting. It's a great way to get an inside look at your child's education and the workings of the school. It's also a great way to be disappointed in our education system and to see just how much "extra" goes into being a teacher today.
Like most things in this world it all comes down to money. Right now schools need cold, hard, cash. And lots of it. Every time the school board cuts back a dollar the school must stretch that much farther. Some principals are very good at it. Some not so great. My point is they shouldn't be having to work so hard to cover costs.
I spent an hour this morning trying to find a per student allotment of money. I found only a report from the 1998-1999 school year. I'm sure the numbers have changed drastically since then! For the life of me I can't understand why they are so hard to find.
Next month the Parent Council will have to vote on what will be funded and what won't. Someone will suffer and it will be the kids. It's always the kids. We won't even get into the lack of art or music. Small schools sometimes suffer the most in those areas.
I'm not sure where the money is going to come from. Sadly, I'm not sure there is a place. But as parents we need to keep looking. Under every rock and bush.
Maybe we will find buried treasure!
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
National Coming Out Day
October 11 is National Coming Out Day in the's also International Day of the Girl but that's for another day. Coming Out day is to try and make things easier for kids, adults and anyone needing extra support to have an open and honest dialogue with their loved ones. That's a simplified version but you get the general idea.
I thought this would be the perfect day to tell you about a woman I know. In the past year her daughter has told her that basically she was born in the wrong body. Again a simplified explanation. I'm not giving specific details because the story is his to tell not mine.
But the story I am going to tell you about is the unconditional love of a mother for her child. A mother who has been nothing but supportive. Loving. Fierce in his corner. Without hesitation, the parent she needed to be.
This woman put her child's happiness, well being and truth before her own. She has been open and honest to her friends and family. While I'm sure every response hasn't been positive, she has bypassed the haters. Her love for her child has made that easy I'm sure.
She is an example to all parents, not just the ones with transgender kids. All parents should look at her and say that's the parent I need, and want, to be. Every child deserves that.
The fact that her son came to her and had, what I would imagine to be, one of THE most difficult conversations of his young life is proof of great parenting. Love and support is the most important thing for good parenting.
And my friend could teach a class!
Monday, 10 October 2016
A Lesson Learned
When I got up this morning I made coffee, checked Twitter...seriously I'm addicted!....then Facebook. My quiet morning routine before all hell breaks loose in my house. Even before the coffee was done I was ready to rant!
I'm used to negativity on social media. It's a grim fact of life it seems. But this morning, and late last night, it was everywhere. People were complaining about health care, prisons, care of the elderly, education and on and on. You name it someone had a beef about it in the past 12 hours.
No solutions. No plans on how to change it. No thought out reactions to these injustices. Just bitching and complaining. Bitching and complaining. On Thanksgiving. Hmmmm interesting.
I started typing like a mad woman. I had a heated response to your complaints. One person, who complains ALL the time, was on a rant about the education system not teaching the basics or giving enough homework....she is not in education and has no children so I'm not sure exactly where she is getting her information. Trust me the basics are outdated and as for have no idea.
Then as I was tearing apart argument after argument I stopped. I was bitching and complaining too. With no solutions except to tell them to stop talking about things they knew nothing about. I was them. On Thanksgiving. Interesting.
We are all quick to pass judgement. We are just as quick to complain. With or without the facts. If we all took a second to think before we speak, type, or hit send, the world would be a much more positive place.
So on this sunny Thanksgiving Monday I've learned, or rather relearned, a valuable lesson. Be part of the solution. Not part of the problem.
***I took my own advice and took a minute to read what I wrote before hitting "send". I was still a little judgmental on the whole education thing. But no one is perfect ;) ***
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