Thursday, 31 December 2015

Reflections of 2015

  Two days ago was my birthday. I don't moan about getting older....we all know what the alternative is. But I do take a few minutes each year to think about my life and all the things that have happened in the past year. Both good and bad.

  Since I'm very slow at writing this holiday season and it's New Years Eve, I thought I'd combine the two and share my list of happenings for 2015. In no particular order here we go......

  We were so lucky this year with some new additions. Chelsea joined our family and we were able to see her and Daniel tie the knot in the most personal wedding I've ever been to. Although we may never make that drive, 8056 kms round trip, again! 

  Lincoln, our first great-nephew, made his debut as well. Too cute for words and now walking. Boy how time flies. My cousin Max became a grandma. And one of my favorite people, Janet, announced she is going to be a grandma. Two strong, beautiful ladies passing on their wisdom to the next generation. Those babies are/will be in good hands. And spoiled rotten I'm sure.

   That incredibly crazy drive did let me see one of my favorite people in the world for three whole days. Tom you were the highlight of my year. Boy I wish we lived closer.

  Alex "graduated" from grade six and moved on to new challenges at high school. He is changing so fast and I really can see the man he is going to become. And I can pretty much guarantee, writer is not going to be his chosen profession.

  Riley has become obsessed with singing. That's not new though. The karaoke machine Santa brought is getting a lot of use. He's becoming more independent. Fingers crossed that's an on-going trend.

  John got a new job. While it hasn't started yet, I think he's anxious to move on now that the decision is made. Same hours though so that alarm will still go off at 5:00 am. Ugh.

  This year has just sort of sailed easily for me. I hope I'm not testing fate by saying that. I have surrounded myself with great people. My family is healthy and happy. We have enough. Enough money, food and security. 

  And I have this. What started as a dare has become the perfect forum for me to express my thoughts and ideas on life in general. Life as I see it. What matters to me at any given moment. I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I do. So I guess I learned something about myself this year too.

  It is December 31,2015. I hope you take a moment today to reflect on your year. To take stock of what you have experienced. Think of the fun times. Put the bad times to bed. A new year means new opportunities. A chance to reinvent yourself and your life.

  Me, I'm sticking with what I've got. It's a wonderful life.

  Happy 2016 my friends!!!



Saturday, 26 December 2015


  Now that the turkey has been devoured, the presents unwrapped, the wine drank and the family fight out of the way, I can tell you all about my vacation. I know no one really wants to hear about other people's vacation but it's my blog so I will ;)

  This time we took off on a ten day cruise to the Eastern Caribbean with stops in Tortola, St. Martin, St. Thomas and Puerto Rico. Let me start by saying ten days sharing a 265 square foot room with three others is a challenge. Especially once the beds come out. Teeny tiny. Luckily we had amazing weather and the amount of time spent inside was minimal.

  We have traveled a lot and cruising seems like the best value for our dollar. With almost everything included you pay up front and sit back and enjoy. And we did.

  The shows were great. John and Riley saw almost all. Alex and I opted out of a few. There was a few musical reviews, a magic show and of course the big farewell with the entire crew. My personal favorite was the kids club extravaganza on the main stage where Riley got to be part of the show! He glowed with excitement. I really believe he was meant for the stage.

  Food is always the main draw for many people. Not so much for me. Anytime I don't have to cook I'm happy. You can feed me anything and never hear a complaint. We did some "sit and be served" dinners and a few breakfasts. The buffet was huge with lots of choices. There was a salad section where someone would make your perfect salad. Loved it. And of course the desserts are always a hit. The kids assured me the chocolate cookies were to die for.

  December can be a crap shoot for weather but we hit the jackpot. Right out of New York harbor the weather was warm. Like just a lightweight sweater warm. When we woke up the next morning we could go in the pool. And it was unheated! 

  Over all it was a great trip. We rested. Swam. Had a cocktail or two. Sang and danced. A few hiccups occurred but hey that's life and part of travelling. While I liked the ship we went on last year better, I really have no major complaints. I'm sure we will do it again.

  I did learn a few things. Some I had forgotten about.

  First off we pack way too many clothes. Way too many. Also people are rude most of the time. I'm sorry to say especially the elderly. And parents remember you must still actually parent your child while on vacation. It's true you do.

  But the most important thing I have never forgotten....everyone needs a vacation so make the best of the one you have.


Friday, 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas!

  Merry Christmas!!!! Happy holidays!!!!

  I hope Santa found your house. He certainly found ours. The karaoke machine he left Riley has been going strong all day. I've heard the song from the Peanut's Movie a lot and it's only 2:30! The look of pure joy on his face makes up for the repetitiveness of the Cup Song.

  Santa left Alex some new headphones for gaming. As much as I yell at him to get them out of his ears on a daily basis that doesn't quite make sense. But the microphone means I no longer have to listen to him scream at the laptop while playing with his friends on-line. Checks and balances I guess.

  John and I don't exchange gifts. Haven't for years. We prefer a before or after Christmas vacation instead. Since we've just gotten home I'd say we both got great gifts. We did have some unwrapping to do though and the boys are always excited to see what we got.

  As I type, the turkey is in the oven and the house has that yummy smell beginning. The fire is crackling. Our tree has a pretty look in the window. The kids aren't fighting and John is still awake in the recliner...not for long I bet. It's a happy, peaceful Christmas in our home. I hope it's the same at yours.

  Just as a little footnote...did you know the "new traditional" Christmas dinner in China is KFC? Yes you read that right. Kentucky Fried Chicken. Colonel Sanders at his best. It's so popular that people pre-order it up to a month in advance to make sure they get some!

  Who would have believed it??


Thursday, 24 December 2015


  HoHoHo it's Christmas Eve! Can you believe it? Finally. After the weeks of decorating, shopping, planning and organizing it's here. My kids are beyond excited and so are we!

  We got home yesterday from vacation....more about that at a later date...and are now in full Christmas mode. Not much to do but enough to make the next twelve hours eventful.

  One thing I'm not looking forward to is the trip to the grocery. It's not in my top 100 things to begin with but this time of year brings more crowds than ever. But it's a necessary "after vacation" evil that this year just happens to fall on one of the busiest days of the year. I'll survive I'm sure.

  Our tree, while missing the usual ribbon, looks beautiful with the lights glowing in the window. The presents are wrapped so pretty it's almost a shame to open them. The house has a special festive feel to it. It makes me smile. 

  But it is 2:20 in the morning and while everyone else is sound asleep with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads, I'm up. That's changing right now.

  What is a sugarplum anyway?


Friday, 11 December 2015

It's Finally Here!!!

   Ahhhhhh it's finally here. Friday. Not just any Friday. Start of vacation Friday. Let's begin the fun and relaxation Friday. I can feel the sunshine in my bones Friday.

  I still have a few things to do. Like packing. Cleaning. Laundry. You know a few small things. Everything will get done. Well I hope so. 

  My plan was to be finished a few days ago. Like most of my plans it didn't work out very well. This is a busy time of year to start with but when I added in fifty more things I seem to have dropped the ball. Oh well the ball didn't break. Just a few dents here and there.

  Entries will be scarce over the next two weeks. I'm sure I will find some wifi along the way to upload a thought or two but cruise ship usage is pricey. 

  So have fun preparing for the holidays. See your friends, family and anyone you love spending time with. Wrap presents, eat Turtles and watch The Grinch. Decorate your tree, drink eggnog and sing Christmas carols. Be happy.

  I'll have a blue drink with a little umbrella in it for you....all of you :)




Thursday, 10 December 2015

Cash or Credit?

  Have you gone over your gift buying budget? Did you have one in the first place? Will you be singing the Christmas blues when that credit card bill comes in January? You won't be alone if you do.

  Most people don't plan or budget for the holidays. And we really should. We all buy more food, alcohol and "extras" than we ought to. With company in and out, the fridge door never seems to stay closed. And while we wouldn't have it any other way, every time it opens you can hear a cha-ching....I know that's not spelled right but you get my drift.

  I have a cash only rule. Whatever I buy for someone else must not be on a credit card. That doesn't always come true but I can honestly say this year it is. Would you really want that sweater or jewelry from me if it meant the kids wouldn't have cereal next month? Of course not. 

  We all need to be a little Grinch-like. Your kids don't "need" the most expensive toys or clothes. Every friend and family member doesn't "have" to be shown how much you care with a pricey sentiment of your love. Hopefully, because you know how some families are, they want nothing from you but your company and happiness. Fingers crossed.

  While you are out fighting the crowds this weekend, looking for the perfect gift for the person who has everything, remember these wise words...

  It's not the cost of the gift that's how pretty it's wrapped. 


Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Early Morning Thoughts

  Just some observations this morning. It's too early to make things weave together. I can barely lift the coffee cup!

  1. No matter how early we get up, we are always running for the school bus. It's a fact of life I need to acccept. For the next nine years anyway.

  2. You can eat the same breakfast every day and not grow tired of it. Riley asks for boxed waffles every day. I force him to eat something else.

  3. For kids with no clothes, they have too many clothes. 

  4. Canada Post charges too much to mail a Christmas card. And the slot it must fit through got smaller...I'm not sure that's true but it sure seems like it.

  5. If I was more organized, life would be so much simpler. Yet organized people annoy me. A lot.

  6. Why don't they put the same ink in printers as they do in pens? My pens never dry out.

  7. My kids can't seem to figure out how to rinse the toothpaste out of the sink. I can't seem to make them get it. Is this considered a learning disability?

  8. One of the first things I was going to do when we moved into this house was change the dining room curtains. Six years later I'm still looking at those same ugly curtains. I guess they aren't that bad.

  9. Riley and Alex playing the piano makes me smile. Every single time.

 10. Why doesn't my coffee cup miraculously refill itself?


Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Holiday Movies

  Do you say Merry Christmas? Happy Hanukkah? Happy Holidays? Happy...fill in the blank? Does it matter? Really?

  This morning again I saw several things on social media and a few emails talking about keeping Christ in Christmas. One actually said "I'm saying Merry Christmas and if you don't like that you can kiss my ass and go back to where you came from!" Can you imagine?! No one, no one, would say that to a persons face. But on-line they will share the crap out of it.

  But that's not what I wanted to talk about today. It just irritates me.

  I did want to talk about the slew of classic holiday movies on tv right now. Yup I said holiday. On purpose too. On the weekend we watched It's A Wonderful Life. Fantastic movie that never gets old...even though it's in black and white. Both of my kids watched it with us, as they do every year. And yes when they hear a bell ring they do say "an angel gets it's wings".

  We've seen a Charlie Brown Christmas, which is 50 years old! It's older than I am and it just wouldn't be Christmas without watching it at least once. Do you think Charles Schultz had any idea we would be watching it our entire lives? I hope so.

  My personal favorites are any, and all, A Christmas Carol. I love them all. I watch the black and white version with Alistair Simms. The one with the Muppets. Mickey Mouse's version. Bill Murray as Scrooge. You name it I watch it. In fact for the last 25 years or so I've watched it late Christmas Eve. A great tradition.

  In recent years we've gotten Prep and Landing. Followed by Naughty vs. Nice. Lanny and Wayne are super cute. Not only for kids but us big kids too. Thrasher is becoming the coolest reindeer ever thanks to these two shows.

  Sometime this week, stop and out your feet up. Gather your family on the sofa. Throw on a blanket. Turn on a Christmas movie. Sit quietly with your family for thirty minutes or an hour. I guarantee it will be remembered long after that gift has been opened and the toy broken.

  Make "family time" the most important part of whatever holiday you celebrate. Me....I'm going to celebrate them all.


Monday, 7 December 2015

Bye Bye Lights

   I try very hard not to be too critical, let it go people, let it go. But I try not to brag up my hubby too much either. Most of my friends are a little jealous because really there isn't much to complain about. He cooks, cleans and does laundry. He doesn't baby-sit. He parents. He's fairly easy going and has a lot of common sense.

  Don't get me wrong he irritates the crap out of me on a regular basis but over all I can't complain.

  However.....he has messed with my Christmas tree and that means war! I love colored lights on my tree.  I find they give a softer glow than the white lights do. They make me happy. And now they have disappeared.

  Putting a timer on our tree was supposed to make it easier. It has not. What it has done is keep me from enjoying the tree all day. John had to rewire the tree, to bypass the switch, which changes the color of the lights. So now the lights are stuck in the white position. That makes me sad.

  My happy glow has become a bright light. I know, I know it's really not a problem. I should just be glad I have a tree and the money to pay for the electricity it uses. There are gifts under the tree and food in the fridge so yes I am aware how minuscule this is. However.....

  I miss my colored lights. 


I Should Be

  I should be out shopping. I should be cleaning the bathroom. I should be folding laundry and taking suitcases out of the closet. I should be at the post office with the last packages that need to go. I should be. But I'm not.

  And I'm not going to be. The "happiest time of the year" is also the most tiring. I'm moving slowly and while things are getting done there is definitely no running involved.

  But today, just today, I'm doing what I want to do. Not what I have to do. Or what I should be doing. I want to stay in my pajamas today so that takes everything outside the house right off the table.

  It hasn't slipped my attention that the list I've made is still quite long. Or that the living room has Christmas boxes still in the way. I am aware that the dining room table is covered in Christmas cards, bows, ribbons and a puzzle we were supposed to make a week ago. I have eyes.

  So far I would call the day a success though. Dinner is in the slow cooker. Dishes are washing as I type. A load of laundry is dry and just waiting to be folded. And the final teacher gift is wrapped. That seems like a good start and it's not even noon.

  No matter what I should be doing I'm going to go vacuum, with LOTR on in the background. I wonder how that escaped the list?


Sunday, 6 December 2015


  In case I haven't told you...we are going on a cruise in a weeks time!!! I can't wait. Sunshine. Warmth. Ocean breezes. Sand between my toes. Unlimited drinks. Sounds heavenly doesn't it? There is only one draw back. And it's a big one. Actually it's a small one and a big one.

  Our stateroom is...I can't believe I'm saying this...261 square feet. Remember there are four of us. Two of which cannot seem to manage being in our 2000 sq. foot house without fighting lately. Do you have any idea how small that is? I do. Small.

  I'm not sure why but the boys are going through another "I can't stand having you around" phase. It's frustrating, irritating and blood-pressure raising. And now we are going to put them in a tiny room together for ten days?? Are we nuts?? Apparently so.

  Both my fingers and toes are crossed that once we leave home behind we will also leave the hatred. We went away twice this summer and both times they were happy to be around each other. Except for the crazy-ass drive to Calgary and back. And who could blame them there?

  Every time they loose it on each other, John threatens that if they behave this way on the cruise he will buy plane tickets and take them home. I'm sure it won't come to that. Well I hope it doesn't. Or do I?

  Can you imagine the peaceful vacation I would have? I can. Mommy and wife of the year awards just went out the window.... again.


Be Careful Out There

   Christmas mania has begun! The malls are full. People are out in droves trying to find the perfect gift for the person who has everything. They will look in every store, at every item. Pick it up. Turn it around. Put it down then back up again. Look look look. The only place they aren't looking is in the parking lot.

  Talk about taking your life in your hands! It's dangerous out there. Once you walk out of that door you are fair game. I'm not sure what happens to folks. Maybe their eyes are sore from all that shopping. Must be.

  You must keep your eyes peeled for any movement. Cars want the closest possible parking space and  will drive faster than Mario Andretti to get it. You happen to be in the way? That's your problem. Move it or lose it.

  We made three stops and three times my feet were almost a casualty of Christmas. A lady almost ran into my son and she stopped for nothing and no one to get into that last handicap spot. Apparently you can park almost sideways in those spots. Well she did anyway.

  Remember Hill Street Blues? Before the cops would go out for their tour the Captain would give them their assignments and say "Be careful out there.". That's my advice to you.

  Just out of curiosity doesn't anyone shop on line in this city? Or just me?


Friday, 4 December 2015


  There are many perks to being a stay-at-home parent. As soon as I get out of bed I'm dressed for work. Pajamas are perfect work attire. I don't battle traffic and end up being late unless the school parking lot is exceptionally full. Coffee breaks are whenever and for how ever long I choose them to be.

  My co-workers are not annoying. In fact I barely hear a word they say. They never gossip about me either. And no one has ever stolen my food out of the work fridge or complained about my tuna sandwich with onions. I never complain about them to anyone.

  There are no deadlines to be met at my place of work. No pressure to have something, other than dinner, finished by a certain time. I can leave work whenever I want and run errands. No boss is breathing down my throat asking me where I've been or how long my break is supposed to be. And I can put lunch with a friend on the company credit card without an expense claim.

  Personal phone calls are allowed as are emails, texts and the occasional drop in. I can check my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as often as I like with no backlash. If I decide I need a vacation I'll while away the afternoon searching for flights. No one minds.

  I get paid every day instead of every two weeks. If I'm not satisfied with my days wages then I ask for more and am never denied. And I'm always getting bonuses. When you are paid in hugs and kisses your salary is very high.

  These are only some of the perks. There are many, many more. Don't you wish your job had this many?

  And I didn't even mention naps!



Thursday, 3 December 2015


    Another day another mass shooting in the US. Another call for prayers for the victims and their families. Another round of press conferences, tweets and sound bites saying this needs to stop. Another city living in terror, grief and fear.


  Do something. Get rid of the guns. Change something. Get rid of the guns. Change your constitution. Get rid of the guns. 


  No one, no one, NEEDS assault rifles or semi automatic handguns to defend themselves. No one. No one NEEDS to fire fifty bullets at an intruder in their home. No one. 


  According to the Mass Shooting Tracker group....yes it's real...a mass shooting is when four or more people are shot in one incident. That makes yesterday's tragedy number 352 in the US. THIS YEAR. Three hundred and fifty two.




Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Charity is Hard


  Another day another problem trying to help someone out. It shouldn't be this hard to give something away. Especially a big ticket item.

  John has sleep apnea. Which means he stops breathing when he sleeps. This is a very common condition and while it has many health ramifications there is a very simple treatment. But not cheap.

  A CPAP machine, don't ask me what that stands for, programmed just for you will let you get a full, well rested nights sleep. And of course you will continue to breathe. But the machine is expensive. This new one was almost $1300.00! Yes you read that right. One thousand three hundred dollars.

  We have insurance so whatever wasn't covered by the province was paid for by our company. In total, I think we might have paid fifty dollars. Which would be a deductible I guess. But without private insurance you are looking at a lot of money. Ontario pays a portion but not every province does.

  In the spring John qualified for a new machine. Even though there was nothing wrong with the old one. Truthfully he wanted a smaller version that is easier for travel. But now we have two machines.

  It's been sitting in the closet now for about six months collecting dust. So today I decided to find a new owner. All it needs is a new mask and hose and the computer card reprogrammed with your own particular information. The programming would be free from the Sleep Clinic but the hose and mask would cost around $150.  Not bad if you got the machine for free.

  But giving it away is becoming a challenge. I went to a nursing home. They said no thank you based on sanitary conditions. Doesn't make sense to me because if you disinfected the outside and used a new mask its perfectly sanitized. But I guess they have their rules. Funny enough though, Ontario provincial health care doesn't cover any of the cost for this machine and neither does the nursing home.

  I tried the Community Resource Center. They had no clue who could take it. Or even what it was at first. Surely there must be a family of lesser means out there with sleep apnea. This isn't a rich persons disease.

  My last hope was the church. People share their troubles at church. They will get back to me once they ask around. I'm hoping they can find someone. I really don't want to through it out.

  I can't imagine putting something that expensive in the recycling bin. No way.



Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Pick up Blues

  I've been wasting the morning waiting for the pick up service to arrive. Why is it when you are waiting you absolutely want to be somewhere else? If you had asked me yesterday morning, before pick up was arranged, what I was planning on doing today, my reply would have been simple. Nothing. Not leaving the house. Today, since I have to be here, it's a totally different story.

  What have I done instead though? Well I've made mini-meatloaves. And a pot of soup for dinner. I've tidied a bit upstairs. Caught up on Coronation Street. But mostly I've been surfing. 

  Today is World Aids Day. 78,511 cases of HIV have been reported in Canada since reporting began in 1985....these stats are from December 2014. Staggering. On a positive note the treatments available now are allowing people to lead full, healthy lives. It's a major step forward but still this is one of many diseases we need to eradicate.

  In the Newfoundland election yesterday the Liberals won a majority and will form the next government. This means not one province or territory in Canada has a conservative leader in power. Interesting.

  Musician Bob Geldof "half expected" his daughter's death from drugs. Peaches died last year you might remember. Sad to hear a parent say that then admit there was nothing he could do about it. But he's right. Sometimes you can't.

  Kobe Bryant is retiring. Bette Midler turned 70 today. Two brothers saved a bald eagle and took the ultimate selfie. And someone stole 150 baled Christmas trees from a farmer in PEI. That will get you on Santa's naughty list for sure.

  And the biggest news by far....A Charlie Brown Christmas is 50 years young! I know I've watched it every year I can remember. Before and after children. It's one of the best things to do over the holidays.

  Another hour has passed and still no pick up. Oh well I can always find something to do. Wrap a present or two maybe. Empty the dishwasher. Clean the bath. Always something.

  Or a nap. That sounds perfect.



Monday, 30 November 2015

Refugee Help

   I'm a little perplexed this afternoon.  We have a dresser that we need to get rid of. It's still in great shape and if someone took the time to give it a quick sanding and a coat of stain it would be perfect. As it is there are just a few scratches on the top. But we no longer need it and I like the idea of someone getting some use out of it.

  The Mayor of Ottawa said the city was going to do whatever it could to help the refugees that will be resettling in our great city. They will be coming here with nothing so who better to donate this too? I call the city and they redirect me to another organization that is handling the supplies. Great. 

  I call the next company and they are very informative. They thank me for wanting to help and redirect me to the Salvation Army which is where they are getting the furniture from. Strange but things must be outsourced I guess.

  Next phone call is to the Salvation Army. A very pleasant person answers the phone and says absolutely they can pick up the dresser. But, and here is the perplexing part, they are not supplying the original company with furniture for refugees. She did say however that they are collecting coats and mitts. But not household items. 

  Wanting to make myself very clear I tell about the phone calls that have led me to them. She reassures me that they are not furnishing places for refugees. And she wants me to be aware that this dresser will be going into a retail store to be sold. Hmmmm

  After three phone calls my dresser is going to where we originally were going to send it. Before we had the brilliant idea to help the refugees. I guess we can't help them after all. No matter what the city says.


****so before I published this I thought I should call the city to see what's what. The lady I spoke to took some notes and asked a few clarifying questions. She seemed to think it was odd and was going to pass this info on to her supervisor. Maybe they can figure it out. ****


What a Difference a Year Makes

  I'm sure most of you reading this have a Facebook account...check out my page Life As I See It. That's enough self-promotion for one day. Moving on.

  One of the newer things they have come out with is On This Day. They take everything you posted on this day, from every year you've been on Facebook, and you can see your memories. It's great. We are all so busy but for a few minutes you can see where and what you were up to last year or five years ago.
What a great idea!

  So last year at this time we were on a Disney cruise to the Caribbean. I posted a photo of my morning view which consisted of the ship's funnels and Riley in the pool. I sighed when I saw this because it's very cold this morning and I would love to be back there. We had so much fun and the Fantasy was decorated beautifully for the holidays.

  Two years ago the boys had just completed their first track meet. Riley came in first in three events and second in the other two! Did I mention there were only two kids in his age group? Alex had stiffer competition and broke his personal bests which made him very happy. Afterwards we went to the Parade of Lights. Just like we did this past weekend.

  Six years ago I was potty training Riley. Apparently it was a successful day. Reading that, I laughed out loud. He was very easy to train and would sit there for hours reading if I let him. To see him now it's hard to believe I ever had to teach him anything. My Mr. Independent.

  Every morning I spend a few minutes thinking about the past. Normally all my posts are pretty happy. Either way it gives me an excuse to stop and realize how much we have changed as a family or how lucky we have been to be able to travel as we have.

  Boy I really do wish I was with Mickey this morning.


Sunday, 29 November 2015

Frugal vs Cheap

  As I get older I become cheaper and cheaper. Maybe frugal is a better word. But cheap might be more accurate. Especially this time of year.

  All of our family lives far from us. Like can't come to Sunday dinner far. Part of my Christmas shopping "budget" is shipping. And it takes up quite a bit of the budget. So far I have shipped out three packages with a grand total of $68 in shipping. Considering there might have been $250 worth of presents sent that's almost 30% spent on mailing them out. That's too high a ratio. And there are two more packages to go!

  If you see me in the store looking at something and it looks like I'm trying to figure out how much it weighs it's because I am. Another thing I'm thinking is how small can I make this. Seriously it's a concern.

  The presents for my in-laws went in two separate parcels. Not because I didn't have a box big enough but because it made it cheaper. Less wasted space inside the box costing more money. 

  Tomorrow I'm getting the last two packages ready to ship. The gifts are just about ready. Nothing weighs much. Nothing is long or bulky. Nothing is breakable. I can squish and bend everything into the smallest boxes possible. No one will mind.

  Next year I will be more organized and order everything on line and gift wrapped. Then use the companies free shipping to send it to the recipients. I say this every year after I'm finished. But this time I mean it.

  And don't get me started on Christmas cards!


Friday, 27 November 2015

Playing Hooky

  I have a confession to make. I got Alex to play hooky today. To see a movie. Not just any movie. The Mockingjay Part 2. He has been asking me every day since it came out and we've never had time. So today I made time.

  Now I'm sure some of you won't agree with this. "A child's education is very important and if he isn't ill, he should be in school"... I can hear you say. "What kind of message are you sending him?"....heard that too.

   I don't consider an afternoon spent hanging out with mom a waste of time. He thought it was awesome that I wanted to watch this movie with him. Just us and a bag of popcorn. We talked about school. His teachers, classmates, projects and marks. All while waiting for Katniss to appear. Time well spent.

  In a few weeks we are off on a family vacation. That means both boys will miss the final week of school before Christmas break. Again I feel no guilt about taking them out. They have informed all their teachers and some even gave  projects to do while away to make up for missed time. Fair enough. Others said nothing except have fun.

  Kids can learn anywhere. In or out of a classroom. My kids are fairly well traveled and realize they are very lucky to live where they do. They see how others live, what they eat and how different their culture is from ours. That's a necessary part of education as well. 

  If you are able, I would highly recommend giving your child a hooky day. You don't need to do anything special. Or anything at all. Just be with your kid. Let them know they are important enough to spend time with one on one. Trust me they will remember it.

  Popcorn is optional.


How Many Times?

  Here's a riddle for you. How many phone calls to the Health Department does it take to register your child's immunizations? If you said one you are incorrect. Two perhaps...nope still wrong. Three maybe? I'll let you know this time next year.

  This is the third year I've called after receiving a very direct letter stating my child could be removed from school for lack of immunizations. On the brightest yellow paper imaginable. Every year it has the exact same information. It's as if I give them the info and they do nothing with it.

  Human error or computer glitches could explain the first year. But not last year. Or this one. I've spent waaaay too much time on hold over the past three years trying to fix this. Because you know I'm never the first caller through. Or the second. You get the idea. It's very frustrating.

  In the past three years I have phoned, faxed and snail mailed the information. Maybe there is a star beside our name and they are doing this on purpose. Ok even I'm not that paranoid. 

  I walked away from this entry's now Friday morning...because the phone rang. I was hopeful it was the health department returning my call. It was not but they did call later and the woman assured me the information was in the computer. Part of me really wants to believe her. I'll let you know this time next year.

  She did ask about chicken pox though. I forgot about that one. I'm not worried about the actual disease it's shingles down the road. Those things are nasty.



Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Sold Out

  Retail makes absolutely no sense to me. None. It's November 25 and most places haven't begun to get cold yet. Snow isn't even on the ground here. But when we went looking for snow pants you would think I was asking for a tank top!

  Two places were sold out. Ok that makes sense to me. We are a little late this year so I expected selection to be limited. But a kids store. Sold out? I asked if more were coming in and the clerk looked at me as if I had two heads. Of course not she laughed. Laughed. What was I thinking!

  Walmart had some. Not many but one medium was all I needed. Sorry everyone else. It was even a good price. They were my last hope except for the sporting goods store. It would have killed me to pay $125 or more for a pair of snow pants for one season....if I'm lucky. An eight year old grows pretty fast.

  We get home with the pretty, new snow pants to see on the weather it's going to be 8 tomorrow and 12 on Friday. Rushing for nothing it seems. Not like I'm complaining. I'm not a cold person. But now Riley is ready. 

  Let the snow begin...later. Much later.


ps....on a totally different note I had to share the great wonderful friend Janet is going to be a Grandma!!! Congrats Danielle!



  Up this morning ridiculously early. Ridiculously early. There is only decaf coffee left. The snow from yesterday is still on the ground and it's cold out. Not the best way to start the day.

  But as I sit here listening to the coffee maker, with the Christmas tree sparkling in the background, and all the assorted decorations waiting to go up piled on tables and floors, I can see it's going to be a great day. That's the power of positive thinking.

  John has just finished scraping the frost off the car. He's late leaving for work...not my fault honest. Every day his alarm goes off at five. Alex's just did. Time for the house to start coming alive. Soon the shower will be running and the yells down the stairs will begin. Where's my _____? Insert whatever piece of clothing, school work or electronic item you wish. Chances are I'll hear most of them.

  I've now been up for an hour and a half. My coffee is done. Riley has made his way down stairs but Alex hasn't made it to the shower yet. There is no milk but since there is no cereal that's not really an issue this morning. The weather channel is on mute in the background. Heat is coming out of the registers and there is enough bread for lunches.

  I was right. It is going to be a great day.  Boy I'm very Molly Sunshine for 6:00am! Maybe it wasn't decaf....


Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Broad Strokes

  I'm looking through Facebook this morning. Catching up on the life events of friends and family. You know, snooping while having my morning coffee. When I came across a comment made on a friend's post. This woman said children aren't respectful and that we aren't allowed to teach them respect. Hmmmm that seems weird.

  My kids, aged 8 and 12, have friends over often. They are always respectful of our home and the things in it, for the most part, and nothing that a quick reminder doesn't fix. If they make a mess, they help clean it up before they go. No arguments. They say please and thank you. That all seems respectful.

  When my boys go somewhere else they are always complimented on their politeness and kindness. Always. They are asked back, always a good sign. And so far, touch wood, I've never been asked to pay for anything that has been broken or ruined. Again, that seems respectful.

  So who was this lady talking about? Who isn't allowed to teach their kids respect? No one I know. In fact just the opposite.

  I went to my son's high school. Two thousand kids. Someone held the door for me, both in and out. When I asked directions a teenage girl answered with a smile and showed me the way. Another said "Oh I'm heading that way I'll take you.". Not a teacher in sight I might add. So they weren't doing it to show off.

  At the mall last week, a boy of about sixteen held the elevator for my aunt as we walked toward it. Didn't need to be asked. He just did it. And didn't look annoyed. That seems respectful to me.

  Again I ask...who are these kids she is talking about? I'm not naive. There are lots of nasty people in the world. At my kids schools. At the malls. At church even...ever try to get out of the parking lot at Christmas? But I think we, or just this lady at least, are focusing on the few bad ones and not on the many good ones.

  Perhaps if we showered attention on the great kids we would be better off. I'm not talking about the kids who will change the world. They get enough accolades. Or the "bad kids" with lots of issues. They need a different kind of attention. I'm talking about the kids who hold open doors and say please and thank you. The decent kids whose parents are teaching them to be respectful of themselves and others. Decent human beings. You know...the majority of kids out there. My kids. Your kids.

  To this lady I would like to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry you feel this way. I'm sorry this is your experience. I'm sorry you can't see the good for the bad. 

  But I have a sneaky suspicion she is talking about teaching respect of the hitting kind...and I can't agree with that.




  Yesterday I found gorgeous sandals on-line for my vacation. And the price! Cheap cheap cheap. I ordered one pair in two colors! Five pairs. Free shipping. Seven day delivery. Under $100!!! Can you believe it? Neither could I. Too good to be true.

  That's because it was. This company does not ship to Canada...sniff sniff. How can that possibly be in this day and age? The entire world market is at our fingertips. Til you try to get it shipped here.

  So, not wanting to get discouraged, I searched for "women's sandals Canada". That should solve my problem I thought. Many companies appeared and I started at the top. Payless. That is a store I recognize. I'll start there. They don't ship to Canada nor do they have a Canadian site I can order least not one I could find so if I'm wrong please send me the address.

  Back to my search I go. Now Sears was there. And The Bay. Even DSW and Globo. They all ship here. It's not free shipping mind you. Don't get me started on the price because it's not even worth mentioning. What's a girl to do?

  I thought about shipping them to my hotel in NYC. That way I could pick them up when I arrived. But what if they didn't show in time? Or they didn't fit? Maybe the color was wrong? What then? I wouldn't want to spend part of my vacation finding a post office when I could be enjoying the sites of the Big Apple.

  Which leads me to my question...why don't they ship here? Maybe free shipping wouldn't work for them but if I'm willing to pay for the shipping costs how could that affect their bottom line? Although LL Bean ships here with free shipping around Christmas and they don't seem to be hurting. It makes no sense to me.

  I guess I'm stuck either spending three times the amount for the sandals, plus shipping, or forget about it entirely. My Miranda part of me says forget about them. But my Carrie Bradshaw part says order. 

  Carrie always wins.


Monday, 23 November 2015


  Sometimes in life you just shake your head, roll your eyes and say "What the hell???". Everyday though I'm doing it more and more. For example today I read that Kim Kardashian wants a "push present" when she gives birth next month! Apparently she got $65K worth of diamond bracelets for the first child. Ummmm my push present was a baby. WTH?

  A protester at a Donald Trump rally in Alabama was allegedly kicked and punched by Trump supporters. Trumps response? He said the protester was "so obnoxious and so loud" that "maybe he should have been roughed up." WTH?

  Angelina Jolie said "I actually love being in menopause". Ever heard any one say that? I haven't. And doubt I ever will! WTH?

  Ok these are all "celebrities". They aren't like the rest of us. The Kardashian clan have built an empire on nothing. They don't sing or dance. They can't act. I'm not sure I know anyone who is a fan and yet everything they do is front line news. Not just on the gossip shows either. I'm talking mainstream news.

  People go crazy over the tiniest slight. A British woman argued with her server over a steak to the point where the police were called. The reason for the uproar? Her steak came well done when she ordered it medium. That's a valid reason right? Of course not. WTH?

  Another woman threw punches at her waitress because she was told the $4 all-you-can-eat pancake deal couldn't be shared by the entire table. The police were called and she was charged with property damage and assault. WTH?

  You would think with all the craziness and fear in the world today we would be hearing "real" news. The things that have an impact on our lives. But I guess those things don't sell magazines or get hits on a news channels website. 

  That's the biggest WTH of all.


** just a little side note...I had two c-sections so I guess technically I wouldn't qualify for a "push present" anyway**


Highlight Reels 2015

  I was out with a friend over the weekend at a concert. Her favorite singer. Perhaps her favorite person. She was extremely excited to see him and when she had the opportunity to meet him and chat for a moment her excitement level was through the roof. I was so happy she had the chance. It will definitely be on her highlight reel of 2015. Which makes me wonder....what will be on mine?

  Not having the greatest memory is both a blessing and a curse. It sure makes it easier to forgive the day-to-day irritants of the people you share your life with. I don't hold much of a grudge because truthfully if it's not important to me chances are I won't remember anyway. My husband remembers most everything. Even with his "toxic brain syndrome"....another day I'll explain that.

  This past year brought a lot of joy to us as a family and some sadness. Funny how they seem to balance out in the end. We have two new additions to one side of the family. One through birth. The other through marriage. And they are both wonderful additions who we will never get to spend enough time with thanks to geography.

  We lost a few friends and family members. They all led full lives so we mourn for ourselves not them. Some others got well through the amazing technologies now available and some are still fighting the good fight. 

  Definitely on the list was our Alberta vacation. Spending time with my oldest friend made me happier than I can say. It was like we had just seen each other last week. Funny how you have those people in your life. What a gift it is. Also spending some time with our niece, who we never really knew, was great. She has turned out to be quite the woman. We could be friends even if we weren't related.

  Alex's grade six graduation was nice but I think his first day of high school was more touching for me. Watching him go, much taller than three months ago, made me realize just how much he has changed. We won't have to worry about him I think. The child who was "born with a conscience" is now almost a teenager with one!

  Riley decided he was old enough to walk to the bus on his own. That's a huge step. For both of us. Considering it's not in my line of sight it makes me apprehensive but little steps will make the bigger ones easier. For me anyway! 

   John and I got to spend more time alone together this year than we have in the past twelve. Kids change everything. We are always grateful for a few quiet moments. Too few and too far between. But we laugh a lot when the four of us are together. Yell a lot too but just the good things for now.

  So that is my highlight reel to date. An entire month to go before I can finish it off. With a family vacation and Christmas to add into the mix I'm sure I'll have a few more things to add to the good list. Fingers crossed we can leave the sad one alone.

  Hmmmm.....I wonder if we made Alan Doyle's list?



Friday, 20 November 2015

Boxes, boxes and more boxes

  Oh the joy of a PD day. Today was supposed to be productive. Riley, who is eight, and I were supposed to clean out the living room and start the tedious job of hauling all the Christmas boxes upstairs. Of course that never happened. No progress today. A lot of whining...not all from Riley I might add. And it's only going to get worse.

  Tonight we are supposed to put up the Christmas tree. I say supposed to because with both kids in the house, for oh approximately three minutes now, they have argued at least six times. Over the most foolish things imaginable. It's not very "festive" right now. If I hear Joy to the World at this moment I may have to hurt someone.

  In all my wisdom I thought let's diffuse the situation. Let's go see The Hunger Games. Well I made the huge mistake of saying it out loud. Only one child can go. And he really wants to go. The other is now whining nonstop about the tree going up. As they square off over what should/could/will happen I change my is my right as a parent to do. The entire house erupts. Way to go Mom.

  If I was to find a positive for today it would be the packages I finally got to Canada Post. Boy what a shocker that was. Let's say that those who haven't received anything yet...your gifts just got significantly cheaper. Or non-existent!

  It's only 3:15. Many, many hours before sleep. I feel exhausted already and I haven't carried one box up one flight of stairs. Maybe John will come home and without even being asked, will transport every box, including the tree, to the living room. Where miraculously every thing will be neat and tidy. Then while I'm not looking one, or two, of Santa's elves will decorate the entire first floor.

  It could happen....don't burst my bubble.


Thursday, 19 November 2015

Postage Wars

  Yesterday I mailed a Christmas gift to the other side of the city....a little something in a tiny box for a Secret Santa thing. Inside the box was a $15 present. The box and gift weighed next to nothing. The cost to ship it? With tax, just over $9! Ottawa is not that big a city!

  Today I have two more boxes to ship. Will I have to miss a mortgage payment to send them I wonder? And a Christmas card going to Poland costs just under three dollars.....if it fits through the slot. And it has no embellishments on it. 

  Let me say that I do appreciate the clerk telling me a few "tricks" on how to decrease the cost of shipping presents. I have, in previous years, ordered from companies who will wrap the gift and ship it for the recipients house. My only dislike of that is each gift arrives individually. I think I'm getting over that very quickly!

  This yearly increase in shipping costs really has changed my gift giving methods. As I buy your gift I'm calculating the estimated cost of shipping it to you. I've put several gifts back already because the delivery will be pricier than the gift! Last year we sent my friend in Nova Scotia a little minion doll....she loves those emojis and Riley loves sending them to her! The doll cost under five dollars. It was over ten to send it. Craziness but we did it anyways. Maybe that is what Canada Post is betting on.

   Well I'm off to the post office. If you don't see a post from me in the next week or so don't worry. I'm fine. I just had to sell my laptop to pay for postage.



Wednesday, 18 November 2015

My Very Own Hamster Wheel

  So I'm running behind.....again. I seem to be on a hamster wheel some days. You know, running running and getting nowhere. That's my day so far. Truthfully I thought I was getting off to a great start this morning. Coffee was being sipped before six thirty and I could see almost the entire island by seven am! Trust me that's progress.

  Then I made the big mistake of flipping on yesterdays episode of The View for some background noise. Now I'm not blaming the show. In fact I did not "sit" to watch just sort of listened as I went about tidying the island. I'm still productive. Progress is made. When  the episode is over I looked at the guide on the PVR and saw not one, not two, not three but four episodes of The Blacklist. Game over.

  As you may have heard I love this show. I love James Spader. How could I possibly have missed four episodes??? I have no explanation except being tired from all these very early mornings. But this situation must be rectified. Immediately. So I did. All four episodes. One morning. I'm ashamed. Not really it is The Blacklist after all.

  Netflix has changed the way we watch television. Before it would never occur to most people to sit down for ten hours in one day and watch an entire season of a program. Then spend the next day with season two. If a friend asks if you watch a specific show chances are it's on Netflix and you can go check it out immediately. If you like it say goodbye to the next week of "free time" you have. 

  Binge watching, as it's called, is a relatively new phenomenon. What makes it different from other addictive things is that we aren't ashamed to talk about it. We proudly boast about having spent the entire weekend on the couch, eating take out food and watching the entire series of Breaking Bad. It's a badge of honor. In fact when a "can't wait for it" series comes out we will invite our friends over to binge with us. Craziness.

  I'm a huge Downton Abbey fan and it's a reason to celebrate when the new season arrives on Netflix. It also means don't call me during the day or expect hot meals. And we won't even talk about the movies. You never have to leave your home. It's the ultimate entertainment at your fingertips. All for $8 a month!

  My only complaint is the difference in content between Canada and the US.  While we get all the British shows...which I love....there is so much more content on the US version. Especially in the movies. As soon as I cross the border I log in just to see the difference. And boy what a difference.

  It's time for me to get off this wheel and get some things done. Maybe I'll just turn on the tv for background noise......


Monday, 16 November 2015

Inner Strength...and Coffee

  Monday morning and my head is feeling a little less cluttered and over whelmed. A cup of coffee and a little sunshine hit the mark. I feel like I can conquer the world.....ok that's the caffeine talking I really can't.

  I had a conversation this morning with a friend who is going through a particularly hard time at the moment. Her life has had more than it's share of sadness and pain. People in her life disappoint and hurt her more often than they should. There doesn't seem to be an end to it. And yet.....

  She is one of the strongest people I know. If you told her that, she would laugh it off and make some excuse as to why she isn't.  No matter what happens, she has the enviable ability to get up, brush herself off and begin life over again. Never losing that optimism that there is happiness waiting just around the corner.

  Every disappointment, every setback makes her more determined to live her life in happiness. The fact that it's taking longer doesn't deter her. That is inner strength. We should all be so lucky.

  So this morning, as I drink my coffee, I'm thinking of my friend and her journey. It's never been smooth sailing but she really does have strong sails. She'll get there. I'd bet money on it!


Sunday, 15 November 2015

Terror and Social Media

  Social media has made us an instant society. It gives us minute by minute updates on other peoples lives. We can know everything about everything with the click of a button. News, politics and even entertainment are reported differently. You can be a part of the reporting with your trusty cell phone camera and instantly share it with the world.

  Friday, during the attacks in Paris, Facebook launched their "I'm Safe" button. If you are within the area of a natural disaster or a man made conflict you can hit this button and all your Facebook friends will see you are ok. Fantastic. Great use of technology.

   Since Friday, the internet, Facebook and Twitter have been used to spread some people's compassion, support and out rage at these senseless terrorist attacks. Again a great use of technology. But social media has also been a vessel for hate, misinformation and bigotry. Not such a great use.

  I waited to talk about the terror attacks simply because I was overwhelmed. By the information. By the amount of people killed. By the world's reaction to it. By my own desire not to offend friends and family. By... well fear.

  A few weeks back I wrote about how some people will say things on social media that they would never say in person. It is used as a vessel to say what we want with an anonymity that was unheard of ten years ago. Common decency gets left behind and we are free to be as nasty and bigoted as we want. With little or no repercussions. Boy am I seeing a lot of that these past few days.

  Anti Islamic rants are everywhere. Every Muslim is being condemned by someone with a computer and a twitter account. Keep the refugees out is a common phrase. Death threats are common place...on public boards no less. Just a few minutes ago I saw an open letter to our new PM being circulated stating how he needs to not keep his promise of taking 25,000 refugees by year end. As if these people were not gong to be vetted before hand. Seriously?

  This particular terrorist attack has been very successful. The world is once again terrified. Of people we should be welcoming. Of families who need our help not our suspicion. Who do you think these refugees are running from???? The terrorists who masterminded this attack!!!

  My thoughts are with the people in Paris who survived this awful attack. I hope for your speedy recovery, mentally as well as physically. For the families of the victims who didn't make it, I wish you strength and comfort in your battle with coming to terms with this unfathomable event. And for the EMT's, doctors, nurses, firefighters, soldiers and especially police officers who have had to deal with the ongoing horror, I wish you peace and are greatly appreciated.

  I leave you with these great words, from a great man, that I think are very appropriate for the upcoming days and months....

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can that." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Thursday, 12 November 2015

Another Non-Controversy

  Another day, another non-issue issue in the news. Apparently Starbucks is anti-Christmas. All because their new cup is red with the Starbucks logo. What the hell??? It's becoming my most over used phrase lately. But really...what the hell???

  Yesterday the controversy was over Christmas decorations before Remembrance Day being disrespectful of veterans. Today, forget about the veterans, we can now take issue with coffee. I believe this is what is called a "first world" problem. Does anyone really and truly care what is on the cup of their over-priced and over-hyped coffee? 

  Lots of people, and I do mean lots, have jumped on the Merry Christmas not Happy Holidays bandwagon. Except I've never actually had someone tell me I couldn't, or shouldn't, say either one. No Jewish person has ever taken offence when I've said Merry Christmas to them. Nor have I taken offence when wished a Happy Hanukkah. Why would you? The fact that someone wants you to have a happy or merry time should be enough. It's much better than "get away from me" or a few other phrases I won't say here.

  But I am seeing a trend when it comes to this time of year. And I don't think it has to do with the supposed political correctness folks are complaining about. I think it's that some people think the "season" starts too early. Plain and simple. In the stores. At the mall. Television ads. Special catalogues. On line. It's just too early for most people.

  When most of us were kids we put up a tree around the 20th and it came down January 7...right after "old Christmas". Of course that was a real tree and it would dry out and pose a fire risk so it went up late and came down early. Now my fake tree can go up November first and stay up til March if I so choose. 

  For me, and I speak only for myself, I love putting the decorations out and the tree up early. I'm not the most organized person. What you might do in a day or two could take me three weeks. Besides I like nothing better than sitting in my beautifully decorated living room with my friends or family while everyone is relaxed and unstressed. You can do that in November but not so much in mid-December.

  So don't worry about who has what up. Or what someone wishes you. Say what you want to say and decorate when you feel it's right. It doesn't matter what someone else thinks. It really doesn't. Besides I would bet money that there are some who are jealous, yes I said jealous, that you are done and they aren't.

  And if you are so offended by the new Starbucks cup, get a travel's much better for the environment anyway.



Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

 Remember that Sex & The City episode Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda? That phrase, from season 4 episode 11,  keeps jumping into my brain whene...